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It's that time of the week again and our next lady on the list its the                         Vampire Queen Marceline.

Back in a better time when the vampires didn't sparkle, there was Marceline Abadeer, with long dark hair, pearl white fangs, a scarlet Ax Bass and eternal thirst for the red goodies, she was the first character in Adventure Time that got my attention to place her in The waifu list, she is just a ton of fun, she composes songs and plays them, she is immortal, provocative and she will look young and beautiful eternally, also, she will never kill you accidentally because she doesn't drink blood she actually drinks red, yes red, like:

You: Hey honey, I hate this red tie, can you do something about it?

Marceline: Leave it to me!

(She proceeds to drink the red color from the red tie you hate so much, leaving it with a executive tone of gray)

You: Thank you honey!

Marceline: You're welcome!

You: Oh god I hate this red car...honey!?

And you get the idea, imagine the possibilities.

So if Marceline is the waifu for you, show her some reds! 

Good night




OoOH, I was waiting for this!. Those stockings look so good and she's got such a sweet and relaxed face. Love her! I want to see more of her.