Endless Depths - Aquatic Collaboration Project! (Patreon)
Howdy folks!
Coming back to you with huuuge aquatic collaboration, and not one, but two battlemaps to enjoy for you! Not forget to show some love to these wonderful creators and check out their content!
The seas of Latakar hide many secrets and many terrible monsters. One of those monsters is currently struggling to escape its prison, and might just succeed if the adventurers do not put an end to its disciple...
In Ocean's Bounty, the players must accompany a merfolk in freeing a merfolk village, as well as uncover a mysterious ritual seeking to bring back an ancient evil...
Ori the Cartographer's maps (that's me!) bring the seas of Latakar to life while Jan Loos's tokens show us just how scary the depths can be. Everything is nicely accompanied by McRo Music's water-level soundtrack and wonderfully wrapped up and put to life in Kelfecil's Tales in their newest adventure!
With this collaboration you get not one, but TWO different battlemaps with plenty of variations!
Seafolk Village [36x56] | Ocean's treasure [24x40]
Adept Journalist Download: - Ocean's Treasure - Seafolk Village -
Apprentice Storyteller Download: - Ocean's Treasure - Seafolk Village -
Globetrotter Cartographer Download: - Ocean's Treasure - Seafolk Village - OT PDF - SV PDF -
Thank you for your support! I believe these maps will enrich your journey and create some unforgettable adventures!
Hope you will continue to support and accompany me in my future endeavours!
Any feedback is extremely welcomed. If you would like to see specific variations in future or have any ideas in how I can make this experience even better for you, please let me know.
Here is the preview of the tier rewards for this map: