Soon to be Noodled (Patreon)
Hey guys, just a bit of an update here with a pic Acesential liked so much he decided to ink, and the inks were so nice I decided to color :V
I'm going to take a minute to do a small update on my status. In this post, so if you don't care or just want the tl;dr: normal art dumps coming soon.
Quick rundown, I'll be doing a normal number of pics this month (at least 30 sketches), but they will all be crammed into these last 10 days of the month, probably on the 25th and 29th/30th.
Reason for the delay is that my brother has finally gotten a job! Hurray! It's a nice job and I've been helping out a lot more around the house while he adjusts to his new schedule. I'm not used to be awake so early in the day :V
He likes the job, so hopefully in a few months we'll be making plans to move into a better apartment, then looking at a house about a year after that. Really excited to finally get a room large enough for my bed frame to go under my bed and not block my closet.
In art related news, we released a new chapter of Changeling Tale (Marion's chapter 3) recently, and I made some ad's for it, check them out here.
I thought they were pretty, took most of the day to make them in photoshop. The small ones might be going up on FA on the sidebar, don't know how effective they'll be, but here's hoping :P
I've also been pretty busy helping with small projects on CT that needed to get done that weren't heavily art related. Things like build testing and some visual design help. We just pushed an android build and I'm the only one on the team with an actual android phone, lol. But that's all finished up so for the remainder of the month I'll be tackling sketches, including a good number from the request post.
If you haven't gotten your requests in yet, now's the time!
Anyway, that's me for the month, if you have any questions about anything feel free to leave them in the comments!