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So, with a resounding YES, you guys voted for new characters to be added! And I agree, it would be great for us to have a bigger poll of characters which I can start weaving into this world. I already planned on having more crossovers so this way, we can make things even more interesting.

KEEP IN MIND this poll will not be judged on which character has the most votes, rather I will look at how many votes each character has. If, let us say, 5 options have a huge number of votes all 5 might be added, but if you guys voted for only 1 or two, then those 2 will have the biggest chance. 

Most of the fetishes these characters will represent wont be, of course, strictly tied to them. So don't be afraid of voting for any of them, thinking they might steal your favorite kink from your favorite villainess. Nor will they be stealing anyone's spotlight. 

If this goes well, we would have polls regarding their costumes as well, so you can vote on what you like best! Actually, we might hold a game over comics month (after the Juicy comic is done) where all of the new villainesses would get a volume and a chance to shine :D

Without further ado, vote! For as many as you like :D

P.s. In case there is any confusion as to which fetish each character will represent, here is a list:

Jester - Bondage

Duchess - Snuff

Arachna - Draining

Domina - Hypnosis

Crimson Rose - Vore

Lanahotep - Hardcore bondage


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