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Hope you guys are doin' well. Since the Halloween Comic themed month was such as success I decided that we will have one for Christmas as well. Nothing says the Christianity like bondage right?

And speaking of bondage, the comic this time around will be of my choosing and you guys can vote for the villainess that stars in it. 

The scenario will be as follows:

A hero comes back home from a long adventure, ready to enjoy some alone time on Christmas. Before he can though, the winner of the poll captures him in extreme bondage and proceeds to mind break him with kinky games and evil fantasies, before wrapping him up in a neat gift and leaving him as a gift for another villainess.

The exact things the villainess does to him will also depend on the winner. A succubus might use her tail, kisses etc while someone like Loreline might use her magic. You get the gist. AND expect very slutty, fetishized outfit for the winner that might or might not remind you of a sexy santa!

So get to voting, we need to end the year in an especially kinky note!

P.s. Feel free to vote for as many as you like 



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