The Eternal Woods - Halloween Party - Pages 6-9 - Camille, Musse and Lili (Patreon)
2023-11-22 10:34:11
The bees utterly humiliate and brake the adventurer.
Musse is just adorable, I do think you'll be seeing a lot more of her in the future. Speaking of which, there have been some really great new OC's in the past couple of months, ones that I am really proud of and happy how the artists depicted them. I'm really eager for them to mesh with the old guard.
Having said that, the next 5 pages should be out next week (so that will be 14 Premium Pages this month) and we'll see our first Bunny Girl enter the scene as well as The Mind Weaver make her first colored appearance in her elegant for.
Enjoy the bees and I'll see you soon!