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In the March podcast I outlined my plans for April Fools this year. I don't know if I'll be ready for today, but I threw this video together for you patrons showcasing the development of the game, mostly over the last six weeks or so. 

A lot of these clips were shared with a private discord populated by only 3-4 friends, though it's now making me wonder if I should start up a Discord for the Patreon to share stuff like this there, or if "development compilation" videos like this would be the preferred way to post about upcoming games I'm making on Patreon. 

Either way, enjoy this weird, somewhat long look in to what is possibly a failed April Fools joke.


Better Bubsy - Development Compilation


Diablohead (Ryan M)

You know, like with how freedom planet started off as a fan game itself, you could take this and make something wonderful and original in the spirit of bubsy.