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We are going to be gathering faction name ideas for the upcoming Discord-based faction games!  

Leave 1-3 name ideas in the comments and we'll acquire all the non-duplicates for a general Patreon poll. The top 4 will then be the Discord faction names.  

There will of course be some refining done as we discuss this, and the general poll itself will not be done immediately after this.

All thoughts and ideas on the topic are welcome in the comments as well!  Let's get creative :D!


Matthew Ray

I have worked many years and I believe I am finally ready to submit my thesis on the history of the Waifu Warriors faction. Hopefully, The Academy will finally grant me tenure for these revolutionary discoveries instead of snubbing me like last time. Can you believe they disputed Grape-kun was a deity of the Waifu Laifu religion!?


The Melancholy Lolis - "Are you tired of trying so hard to get yourself cast into an anime?? Join the Melancholy Lolis, where we promise an easy and rewarding part for you! Just name any anime you'd like and somehow we'll find a way to sneak you in. Any genre, any setting, guaranteed!"


“OG Otakus” Today’s kids doesn’t know what’s good now days. Back on my day we used to have the golden era like Crash Bandicoot, Dragon Ball Z, Avatar the Last Air Bender,etc. Now kids all they care is to eat TIDE Pods, and top 10 anime betrayals. My brethren we need to bring back the Golden Era!!!!


-MemeLords- To be able to meme is not something that comes from practice or talent but you need to be a prodigy born from dankest ocean. If you want to be a MemeLord that is even harder than to meme you need to be love by the memes Gods(Harambe,Ugandan Knuckles,Pickle Rick,etc) their blessings should be upon you to become a MemeLord. Now take a potato chip and EAT IT!! because all is going according to keikaku.


Just came up with one while looking for things on CDJapan. The Never-ender Ani-spenders, a group for those that valiantly sacrifice their time and bank accounts for the pursuit of all things Anime

Nyto Dork

"Shitpost Connoisseurs" For the truly l̶e̶w̶d̶ advanced posters of all things anime related. Clearly, a superior group that has the t̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶m̶a̶d̶e̶-̶u̶p̶ scientifically proven best taste in anime™. With a specialty on PLOT and plot.


The League of Lolis, aka the Loli League - for all the lovely little ladies and their adorers! Another party coud be the Hotel Hikikomori, where nice people gather, strictly in their own rooms, doing whatever they like and they are probably talking to their next room neighbors on chat. Why would you need social interaction, or sunshine for that matter?! Seinen snowflakes? Pretty self-explanatory.


icha icha paradise


The Antagonist Ascendancy, seeking to elevate all second rate antagonists into Thrawn-level evildoers.