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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 68 - A Wild Hisoka Appears

As you can see, here we observe a wild Hisoka in it's natural habitat. Though you may find yourself experiencing feelings of joy or excitement upon observing this creature, make no mistake, Hisoka's are predators first and foremost. They are not to be trusted and you must never, EVER turn your back on them. What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



Again, I can't believe you forgot about Razor lol


Also, I don't know why you guys keeping insisting it can be an item that will purge Chrollo's nen when they keep mentioning a specific somebody will do it, they've shown the nen purger already, and they showed his silhouette this episode as well..


I know... I think they're fucking with us. Between this and Razor nobody can be this oblivious. They're giving Gon a run for his money. This is the Chrollo stealing abilities thing all over again.

Matheus Henrique Silva Rosa

you can only bring the cards out of the game when you complete the game, and the phantom troupe needs a person to make the nen exorcism not a item


As a side note the Greed Island Arc anime came out first as 2 ova seasons going 22 episodes. It ended in 2004 a year before Avatar.


You're now at my fave part of the greed island arc! I like quite a bit of what came before in this arc, but there were times I thought the plot lacked a little, and was kinda slow. But starting this episode I really think that this arc picks up, and I'm excited to see your reactions! The next episodes are very fun imo :)


Also there's 2 HXH movies if you guys haven't seen them. One takes place before Greed Island the other right after.

Erik Ekelund

Who indeed is Razor, hmm? Maybe he's a specialist and he can steal Nen abilities. Maybe he also created cards to purge Nen...


Nice discussion!


(1. ) Razor was the guy who expelled the Phantom Troupe. (2. ) They deliberately lost so they could get information while also not revealing their own abilities. (3. ) Genthru can't just make a random group of 15. He'd need to beat/trick at least 5 capable Nen users so they could actually win against Razor's group. And even our original 15 of supposedly some of the most capable players couldn't win. (4. ) Battera the rich guy only offered the 50 billion. In fact, it was specifically in their contract with Battera that he would keep anything they brought out.


they watch too many series and dont take any notes, im not surprised^^


The movies? There's a small bit in the first movie that is canon. The first movie is based off a rough draft for the Yorknew arc that got scrapped. Togashi kept 2 chapters from that dealing with Kurapika's backstory and made them specials. Its hard to find anime movies based on a series that are canon. Still entertaining and made by the 2011 remake cast.

Nadeem Shaikh

Yes GYO is able to allow users to penetrate through another user IN, but as you stated its a matter of proficiency. Your gyo should at a certain level to be able to look through a proficient nen user such as Hisoka. The second point to consider is that Gon and Killua do not know of texture surprise, they know of Bungee Gum​. Though you can argue that this was a mistake by Killua of not using Gyo, as Bisky had told them to use Gyo whenever you find something 'suspicious'. Killua didn't expect Hisoka to show the binder as it would end up revealing that Hisoka has met up with the troupe, but he purposefully did it to make Killua and the other doubt their train of thought and lower their guard.

lisa son

I remember the first time I watched HXH I was surprised to see myself loving the character of hisoka. the more I watched the series I realized why. he is a very "grey" character, which i love, since it makes him so complex (although i dont believe that any HXH character can be categorized as "simple") and basically he lives in his own world. he is prob in my top 3 fav characters (his prevy and mysterious side just adds to his unique personality). it was also interesting to see how killua, hisoka and bisky all had similar personality traits, since they are all transmuters. they're no strangers to lying or intellectual/logical thinking. and seeing how strong hisoka/bisky are as transmuters can foreshadow killuas growth as well. I wish all the HXH reactions came at once so I could binge watch it all day, but its nice to savour it too lol.


Remember guys defending them last episode? They must feel stupid.


He didn't think faster than Killua...just letting you know.


I get it's all up to personal opinion, but I would never recommend those movies to anyone.