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SOS Bros React - Ancient Magus Bride Episode 17 - Who's Rem...I mean Ethan??

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Ashen Eye kinda makes me remember of the Goblin King from the labyrinth movie when talking about how words are powerfull.


Chise said thank you after the deal was made. It was probably Chise letting Elias use her to make a contract with the girl. Elias probably doesn't want to show himself to people who don't need to see him. I honestly have no clue either though, watching as you guys do.


Also, Chise kinda thanked Elias after he stopped "possessing" her so that was a bit weird?


It's a very common thing in British folklore that that the things people say (especially children) have power and may be overheard by something that only understands it at face value. Consider Ashen Eye a lesser god if you must, but keep in mind that his level of power isn't that uncommon in tales!


Here's some additional context from this part of the manga: The bracelet Angelica gives Chise is usually used to punish mages, but since Chise's body overtaxes itself so frequently, it's more of a boon for her. Once Elias leaves Chise's body, he says that he doesn't use a human form around Stella because it's proper to show one's true form once a pact has been made. Ethan is 8. Also, interestingly, in the comic Elias and Chise refer to Ashen-Eye as a "she". This could be a translation error though, as Japanese doesn't really use "he" or "she". For my own thoughts, I think we're supposed to be bothered by what Chise let's Elias and to some extent other fairies get away with around her. Humans that aren't Chise usually have far more of a reaction to things Elias does. Elias himself notes that Chise is unusually placid for a human. This is steadily changing, but it's still something of a problem. Not trusting Elias is probably smart. He has a good reason for being the way that he is, but that's why it's wise to be cautious when dealing with fairies and similar beings. They approach things from a completely different context than humans do, and have different standards for what is and isn't appropriate. Finally, I wasn't really bothered by the bargaining itself. You gotta remember that while this specific circumstance hasn't come up before, Elias typically hasn't done favors for free. Checking up on the dragons, investigating the cats of Ulthar, and looking into the church grim incident were all done at the request of the church as a repayment for some unknown problem Elias caused in the past. Helping the old man out was handled largely by Chise, so required no payment on Elias' part. Familiar with him as we are, Elias is still a fairy, or at least something close to it. He requires payment just like the ones who helped Chise in the woods. Even Silky is regularly paid via Chise leaving cream out for her.

Ryan Pearce

I also think that Elias making Chise ask for payment is sorta a "Your services have value, you have value, stop doing everything for free," type of thing. Chise has self-worth problems, and that also may help with her seeing that she is not useless, and Elias might have been worried that Chise might get taken advantage of in the future.