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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 75 - Game Over

Well, there we go! The game is over! We must bid Bisky a very fond farewell as Gon and Killua start the next leg of their journey! Very clever way for them to go after Ging too. Of course, that probably isn't Ging. Which begs the question, who is it? What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505


Minashiro Soushi

Finally! The end of my least favorite arc in the history of ever!


Will you watch the episode 1 of the 1999 version before the next episode?


ok first there are tons of otherarcs across tons of anime are terrible, 2nd you must not be a big fan of hxh if you hate it that much, and if you ask me this is my fave arc mostly because its just fun


Please watch episode 1 of the 1999 version before the next episode if you’re not planning to watch it already.


Not every card "does" something. Spells cards and some cards like Palladin's Necklace does stuff, but other cards like Blue Planet are just objects

Princess Paladin

Patch of Shore does nothing. It's just a card. Same for Blue Planet.

Mariano Vassallo

I know they are probably nos going to watch the next opening for like 30 episodes but i would let them watch it once so they go like "wtf is going on"

Jacky Lin

ya maybe watching the first episode of 1999 would help


I’m always a proponent of watching the OP. I don’t think it really spoils anything


Am I the only one who thinks that the overall sound volume of your last episodes seem a little bit low?


just watch the opening for the next arc once. they wont know what every little detail means anyways so it wont spoil anything. ffs its just an opening.


What? Of course it spoils stuff. Alot actually.. There are like 20 new characters in the opening that gets spoiled and abit of their abilities .

Claude Kenny

I actually really liked this arc. I don't really like the next one: too slow and overhyped imo. It's still more HxH, so worth watching of course.

Garrison Wortham

They don't have any context or frame of reference to base the opening on. It only seems to spoil things because you know how things unfold.


I actually prefer this arc even over Yorknew - My least favourite arc


Uhh, knowing that a character is in the opening and knowing that certain characters are not is quite the big spoiler. You really can't deny that. Even if you have no idea what those characters will do it's still pretty obvious by their design if they will be allies or not.


Plus: it's really easy to infer what's going to happen to Gon in this arc based on the opening. Some of the hatsus are spoiled. It creates expectations regarding when X character will appear, which in turn takes the focus away from what's currently happening in the arc.

Garrison Wortham

Idk, I guess I just don't see it that way. When I watch an opening I don't try to infer anything. In my experience inference leads to expectation and expectation leads to disappointment. Just because the breadcrumbs seem to lead to a certain conclusion doesn't mean that'll be the true outcome. You can be mislead or interpret the evidence incorrectly. Hell, they're wrong about 70% of their theories anyway. I look at anime openings as music videos, things can be taken literally or symbolically. Openings are meant to get you excited about the coming story and speculate accordingly. But perhaps we simply have different philosophies when approaching openings, agree to disagree :)

Silver Bard Games

It's been a long time coming, but it's finally time for the A plot to start.


Right. Some of the restricted slot cards are nen constructs with effects, others are just important or rare things. Think of it like Yu-Gi-OH where some cards have effects, others just have flavor text that builds the world.


I've always thought it was kind of low. I usually need to lower the volume of the episode video below half to make sure I hear them. Good thing my computer has loud speakers.

Princess Paladin

If they chose to watch it, they've already done it, and nothing any of us says will make a difference. That being said, it's clearly full of spoilers, as was the last opening, and they were glad they were warned not to watch that one, so it's likely they'll follow the same plan for this one. So, "ffs", it's their choice.

Princess Paladin

It's not about what we think they should do, it's about what they think they should do, under the advice of the moderators. What we would do when watching (I watch the openings myself, without worrying they'll spoil things, but I understand if other people don't want to) is irrelevant, because it's their reaction, and they don't want to be spoiled. That includes building hype or anti-hype for certain things, "hinting" at things, discussing things they haven't seen yet, etc. Spoilers are spoilers are spoilers, and no matter what anyone thinks doesn't qualify, they've made their preferences clear. That's simply all there is to it. They're already past this point in what they've watched, so if they chose to watch or not watch, the decision has already been made, and we can't influence it.

Life Legacy

Ik alot of people want them to watch ep1 of the 1999 version but I don’t see the point this late into it. Imo, it now would pose as a spoiler of sorts


come on guys, it's DIO. hahaha!


Knowing what characters show up or not isn't really spoilers. It's not plot specific. I can see if a character was dead and showed up in the OP, but that's not the case here. Revealing Hatsus isn't spoiling anything especially in this show when it's not what the ability is, but HOW it is used. I'm with Garrison in that I just watched the OP and didn't infer anything with it. Then again, I usually skip intros after I watch it once unless it's really, really good. Openings are just meant to get your hyped and pique your interest. But without the context of what actually happens, you can't view any of those things as spoilers. You see a bunch of new characters and that's pretty much it. It's not giving away the plot. There's more to anime than just plot. There's music, cinematography, acting, etc. that are very hard to spoil without watching a direct clip. Even then, that clip has to be put into context with the rest of the show/film. But, hey, everyone has their preferences. I just think spoilerphobes are crazy.


"I just watched the OP and didn't infer anything with it. " Well yeah, but you also don't discuss it for 30 minutes and try to call everything that could might happen after every episode do you?^^ That's a big, big difference.

devin billups

Now it's time for hunter x hunter to really start

dale cunningham

All right, I've been waiting for the next arc.


bit of a tone shift


Yeah, I can see how both points of view are valid. In the end, all that matters is that they enjoy the poetry and beauty of this arc.


Can't wait to see SOS bros react to the single best arc in this show. Ahhhhhhhh! Thursday Hype!

Ricardo Galan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:48:11 i hope i dont overhype it for you but many people would consider the upcomming arc to be one of the best in shounen. Cant wait for you to watch it <3#
2018-04-25 00:45:21 i hope i dont overhype it for you but many people would consider the upcomming arc to be one of the best in shounen. Cant wait for you to watch it <3#

i hope i dont overhype it for you but many people would consider the upcomming arc to be one of the best in shounen. Cant wait for you to watch it <3#


... This is why you should've paid attention to the game system in Greed Island. You're only confused because you didn't pay attention lol.


So episode 91 for no spoilers on the next Opening.


The next opening has 20x as many spoilers as the GI one, and they said they were glad they were told not to watch the GI one because of how spoilery it was lol


Personally, I agree with many of the comments that they shouldn't watch the opening. If they were glad not to have seen the GI opening, then they definitely shouldn't watch this one until episode 91.

lisa son

this next arc is a masterpiece. and the next "flavour" that u guys were taking about for this arc is closer to the yorknew arc in terms of its thrilling nature but 100x more dark and complex and amazing (lol can u tell this is my fav arc?). when I first watched this, I got super surprised: "is this really the same HXH?" anyway I'm sure u guys will love it (no offense but it will make the greed island arc look like childs play)

Sen Ogino

Here comes the most controversial arc of the series. I feel I'm the only one who's a bit apprehensive about their reaction. Based on their previous reactions and discussions, they seem to dislike large amounts of direct exposition, which takes up a good percentage of this arc. It'll also do a lot of telling instead of showing, which might put them off. The payoff is indeed worth it, imo, but I'm slightly worried about having another Heavens Arena type reactions. Anyways, great arc! Hope they'll like the next one!


Quite the opposite, the singularity of the way the narrator explain everything contribute to make this arc a masterpiece. I think it will surprise them in a good way. (not sure about my english here ^^')

Sen Ogino

Most of the people who voted for HxH obviously feel the same way as you and consider CA to be one of the greatest arcs of all time. However, there is also a large group that dislikes how the narrator was used -- it became "telling" instead of "showing." While a large portion of patrons like how CA was handled, it still has me worried for the bros' reactions, especially since they aren't binging the episodes. The Heavens Arena arc was hyped up for them by patrons, and even then, they considered parts of it to be dragging and overall had a painful experience for the first couple episodes of that arc (leading to the outrage on the Youtube comments section lol). I'm just saying, we all know that the CA arc has a great payoff, but they might not necessarily consider the narrator a great contribution and might even find him annoying and unnecessary. If people keep hyping it up, then it'll raise expectations that may not be met. Edit: Also, your English is fine :)


If you watch their podcasts, they love CA arc esque shows.

Sen Ogino

I do watch their podcasts and know that they would like the -content- of CA arc. I’m talking about the execution: the narrator, the exposition dumps, and the slowing of the pace to a crawl. I didn’t mind it, because I had already read the manga and I binged the whole thing, but based on their previous reactions, I feel that they may not appreciate it as much. You guys might be right and I’m just being unnecessarily worried, but I guess we’ll just see how they take the future episodes. I’m still hoping they’ll like it!

Claude Kenny

I'm with you. I feel like this next arc was the slowest (all previous arcs combined almost = this in duration). It has some great moments, but it's gonna be disappointing all around with all this hype. My friends who watched this years ago all share this sentiment, but hopefully they don't find it too tedious. Temper your expectations fellas.


ya'll right. its just me wanting to see SOS bros react to everything they can react to. i didnt have anyone to warn me of spoilery opening on my first watch and it didnt ruin my experience in the slightest. but then again, i wasnt dissecting everything i saw on my first watch through. i did that on my 2nd - 6th watch throughs...


I agree with you, there is a high chance that they don't like the CA arc. They have very stong ideas of what makes good storytelling so they will probably dislike the narrator. We have to wait and see I guess.


But it's a big difference when you binge watch it like I bet most of us did when we first watched it. We don't sit and analyze everything that happend and what could happen later on. :)


even if they get annoyed, I have faith that they will realize the true shine in the writing and come to terms with their opinion on the narrator being preference opposed to quality. The "show instead of tell" thing isn't exactly correct imo. The arc leans more towards show AND tell opposed to the latter, hence why some people believe the arc would be just as high caliber simply by removing the narrator and leaving the content the same. Very rarely does the narrator enlighten you to something you hadn't already inferred. He's just adding to the already tense atmosphere for the most part, not creating it.


Well, if the OP potentially spoils, then they should wait until after 131 to watch it, no? It spoilers a major event near the end.


I would suggest having a look at the list of 100 cards. They are amazing. Most of them don't have anything to do with wealth and power, they are items of interest, which is the whole point of Greed Island in the first place. And for manga readers all cards are shown in the beginning of the arc so it is more obvious.