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SOS Bros React - Ancient Magus Bride Episode 20 - Curses and Conversations!!

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will we get a attack on titan season 3 trailer reaction ?

Sennai woldemariam

wait so did they leave off reacting to the ova at all?


Binging a few of these reactions to catch up is always a blast. April's been a stressful month, so it's great to finish it off with this. Your discussions, as always, continues to be absolutely amazing, and even give me, who have watched this and read the source material numerous times, new ways of looking at it. :) I'm really glad you loved this episode. I know some people consider it a bit scattered and off in tone. I'm definitely of the opinion that after all the trauma with the dragon, we needed some moments of levity, but most of all we needed that conversation between Chise and Elias - which is SO GOOD. It both shows how far they've both come, but also shows some areas in which them (especially Chise) still needs to grow. (Also yes. Silky is best girl.) I found your discussion about curses and how sometimes it's not about BREAKING curses but learning how to live with them, or despite them, really interesting and relevant. I think there's this assumption in a lot of fantasy that a curse, even one that's deemed unbreakable, is supposed to be broken in the end. Because that's what we've learned the end goal is. But sometimes, a curse, like many other problems in life, can't be broken. You have to deal with it, and find ways to function with it. Whether that curse be magical or in Chise's case, a past trauma. And I honestly find that aspect of Ancient Magus' Bride to be super affirming to some of my own experiences in life. Yes, it's a fun, exciting fantasy romance show, but it also has some incredibly important things to say about self-worth and other such issues. I love that you pick up on that, or rather, read the show the same way regarding those things. And as always, Carta/Joseph continues to be fascinating and disturbing in all the best (worst?) ways. Sidenote, he did mention that his name was Joseph way back in his first confrontation with the gang, being pissed off when they called him Cartaphilus. I think you took note of it back then, but it's a long time ago, so I understand forgetting it. Those two episodes are certainly worth a rewatch though, since Elias and Reinfred also discuss the details of what they know of Carta's curse a bit. And you know, for introduction of Ruth. Ruth is always worth watching.