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SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 Episode 9 - Rerorerorerorero!!!

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Smoked Ham



You guys might have forgotten but ceaser's headband was shredded up and set alight in the fight with whamu in order to defeat him, which is why Joseph is no longer wearing it.

Frederick Jaskowski

uh, guys... Cezar's headband was burned up in the fight against Whammu in order to blow him up...

Frederick Jaskowski

the User of Yellow Temperance is named Rubber Soul, and speaking of other Users who's names didn't come up in the show, the orangutan was named Forever.

Frederick Jaskowski

I am also disappointed that you didn't include the "you were sun bathing in your school uniform? you must be the real one then" scene or even talk about it in the discussion...


He burned the headband throwing it into Wamuu

Bluff Oranzova

The reason dio’s taking his time is because his body and head are not yet fully compatible. Jonathan’s body is still resisting him and until he sucks enough blood to assimilate the body completely he doesn’t have full access to his stand. So staggering out stand users gives him time to fully prepare before fighting the joestars, because he cannot risk underestimating that bloodline again. Anyways I love this fight a lot. It’s the start of araki hitting his groove with interesting stand abilities. The next fight however...get ready boys

Frederick Jaskowski

um, correcting their speculation by citing information that the show hasn't given yet isn't something you should do.

Jennifer Bryant

hi, just wanted to let you know that Jotaro's phrase is "Yare Yare Daze" or just "Yare Yare" for short

Jennifer Bryant

that was even the thing that confirmed for Joseph and Avdol that the Kakyoin in the hotel was the real one, so it had plot relevance for the episode too.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the comment, it doesn’t spoil anything it just fills them in a bit

Frederick Jaskowski

what? that stuff is a plot point that isn't brought up for a long ass time, as seen in this clip: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6UsDWEwtH0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6UsDWEwtH0</a>

Princess Paladin

The bandana was destroyed in his fight with Wham, remember?