Semblance of Sanity Reaction Recommendations!! (Patreon)
2018-07-19 19:12:13
Have you ever wanted to recommend that obscure show to us? Or maybe you want us to FINALLY react to that anime that's super popular?
Well here's your chance to make your voice heard!
Leave your recommendation of what you'd like us to react to in the future in the comments below!
Please skim through the comments to avoid double recommending, as this is NOT a poll (yet).
Q: Is it okay to recommend a non-anime show?
A: Yes! Please do!
Q: Why are you doing this?
A: We're going to be making a SUPER poll of all your recommendations, and using that to gauge community interest over all these shows.
MyAnimeList is still undergoing repairs atm, so the link to our list is broken.