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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 107 - Ikalgo Joins The Party

Just wait until Meruem finds out that humanity has TENTACLE POWERS on their side now. In all seriousness though, this was a very sweet episode, quite the contrast to the previous one XD It's good to see best boi Killua again. What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



3 days to go...3rd slot?

Nadeem Shaikh

to rent a power he first has to gain a favor from the person he intends to borrow the power from. Since he didnt do this wiht Morel, or rather didnt get the chance to do so, he cant use Morel smoke nen


don't mean to be rude.. but how can they came up with leol already stole morel's ability? like did they forget the conditions or what


He can't rent it, he has conditions remember

Chance Lewis

Leol couldn't do it because he has to do them a favor

Rimuru Tempest

Did they forget leol's power?

Ricardo Galan

Leol's Hatsu allows him to temporarily borrow the Nen abilities of other people. Leol must fulfill two conditions for each ability he wants to borrow: First, he must know the name of the ability or have seen it being used. Second, he must do the owner of the ability a favor, and confirm acceptance of the debt with a question (along the lines of "You owe me, alright?").


You completely misunderstood Leol's ability :/

Derrick C. Shields

Considering how intensely hyped they were over nen's concept of balanced powers, its weird that they would assume Leol's power is what it is. "If I see an ability in action, I can borrow it for one hour at any time, disallowing the owner from using it as well" sounds so ridiculously overpowered without further conditions. Along with just straight up forgetting details, did they not consider this as well?


How do I get into the discord and let these boys know whats up lol I think i have access as a $5 patron right?

Daníel Smári

Morel did mention that Cheetu's creation was the size of a baseball field.


This could be solved if mods would remind them beforehand, but they agreed on not telling them anything even if it ruins the discussions.


Morel is a Manipulator by the way.

Jacky Lin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:25:51 Killua fan service <3
2018-08-14 20:35:32 Killua fan service <3

Killua fan service <3

Michael Parks

How did they misinterpret leol's ability so badly?

Ammar Algayal

I was kinda disappointed they did not mention palm or discuss her scene, which is pretty important(as they grew liking her character)

Gonzalo Chávez Cerda

Leol's hability only works when he gives a favor, right?


This, he has to do someone a favor and they have to thank him for it before he can borrow someones power.


I'm very excited for next episode. However the sexiest episodes are inches deeper into the arc


I think that the death of Leol is actually quite sad and for a while I wasn't sure why. On retrospect I was even sad to see Zazan die in such a brutal fashion. Rewatching these episodes I think it's the amount of time we spend with different groups of chimera ants and how they display different facets of humanity. While Leol isn't exactly the most likable character we get insight into his journey and plans during his envisioned rise to power and when it ends so abruptly it's actually pretty sad at least to me. It also helps outline how the humanity of the Chimera ants works against them. After all it was Leol's greed and desire to keep his power hidden that made it impossible for him to coordinate an attack with Welfin and Brovada which while not a sure thing would probably be much more likely to succeed.


You could easily make a top 10 or even top 20 list of episodes in the chimera ant arc alone.

Jaime Ruiz

Doesn't that scene of Palm being in the room with the old dude imply they had sex???

Jaime Ruiz

Don't you guys remember that he has requirements when renting peoples nen ability...


I thought so and given how invested she is in success it probably would be part of her plan although they do show a spilled glass next to Bizelf's hand which could imply she drugged him.

Marcus Nunes Manoel

It'll be hard for you guys on the next 2 weeks...

Jake Port

I'm really not trying to sound like an ass but what on EARTH makes them think leol stole morels nen abilities? Literally not hinted at a single time i just can't understand how or why they think this.

Will Mac

These next few episodes are going to be so lit. I can't wait!!

Michał Zienkiewicz

if he tried to suffocate him without HIDING safely underwater Leol could just try and kill him. By keepig him oblivious tll the very end he won without any trouble.

Matthew Harrison

Hopefully you guys don't fuck up again by putting a 5 day break into an awesome two part episode.


They have the same schedule regardless of what the episodes contain and how epic they would be back to back. You just have to deal.




I'm asking if I get discord priviledges as a $5 donor, are you going to answer the question?


Also, the mods must not be doing their job cause I gave them a non spoiler correction about Leol's ability last episode and it apparently didn't get back to them.


Everyone in Patreon gets access, you have to sync your Patreon and Discord accounts together in the account settings tab first.

Minashiro Soushi

Yeah dude, I totally screwed it up by watching one episode per week, when this show was comming out. Oh, wait....


It's more ambiguous in the manga though, that serving water scence was not in it.


they totally forgot that he has to provide a favor in order to rent their ability.