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SOS Bros React - Berserk Episode 25 - GRIFFITH!!

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That thumbnail though


Also, you should ignore the naysayers and watch season 2, even if not on the channel.

Matteo Meier

They're reading the manga now right?


They plan on it I believe because the Manga is the best version of Berserk.


idk why but as soon as the discussion started i was laughing my head off hahaha

Romulo Pariz Galon

I would like to see a review of each volume, like they read a volume and post their analysis and thoughts...


So... How did it feel to get that middle finger shoved up your ass?

Taylor Williams

Really ought to watch the 3rd movie to better explain these last couple episodes


Jacob, you are cold blooded listening to that intro straight faced

Acoustic Toad

The Manga is an amazing and heartfelt read




I agree, the Black Swordsman anime isnt as good as the manga. Some parts are terrible, but the story is still Berserk. However, if they are going to go read the manga (how can you not after that ending?) then yeah skip the cgi movies and anime.


You can do a manga reaction or review.


I hope you enjoyed your Berserk experience.


I won't lie I was chuckling through this reaction


The Struggler is Guts's nickname actually


👏 Griffith 👏 Did 👏 Nothing 👏 Wrong 👏


My thoughts on having finished the video: there are some really interesting thoughts and predictions in here, some of them more accurate than others. I want to stay away from talking too much about things because what you've seen only really corresponds to around 20-25% of the manga (at its current stage) and there are plenty of spoilers. Even if you don't cover it on the channel, I'll join the club in recommending that you at least watch the third movie as it handles the Eclipse really well and provides more context that you got here. However, you'll also naturally get that same context when reading the manga. I really hope you guys are planning on giving discussions/reactions on the manga when you get to it because it would be really cool to see your thoughts, not only on the arcs not covered by the anime, but also on the parts that were left out from the anime. Additionally, I'm sure plenty of people will talk about the "lost" episode that takes place during the Eclipse. Also, I like how you guys fixated on the idea of struggling...


Eclipse reactions are my guilty pleasure

Bryan Rojas

Yay, Caleb is now an official Struggler

Bryan Rojas

BTW, Griffith did nothing wrong


I think the movie is pretty great in and of itself, but it's also really hype to see some particular moments animated that aren't covered here. In the interest of avoiding spoilers, I won't go into more detail on them.

Bryan Rojas

I hope they do a Manga reaction or review.


Caleb manga volume reviews, Caleb manga volume reviews, Caleb manga volume reviews! Do it!



SogekingVinesmoke (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:20:12 Welcome, new struggler. We hope you enjoy your stay in the fandom. The Eclipse is definitely one of the most painful experiences one can go through in fiction. I applaud you for making the trudge. I look forward to manga reviews/reactions in the future. I believe the two of you will be quite appreciative of some of the directions the series takes thematically. Thank you for your time. Stay awesome. (*Blooper reel & Kill la Kill hype intensifies*)
2018-09-03 01:57:37 Welcome, new struggler. We hope you enjoy your stay in the fandom. The Eclipse is definitely one of the most painful experiences one can go through in fiction. I applaud you for making the trudge. I look forward to manga reviews/reactions in the future. I believe the two of you will be quite appreciative of some of the directions the series takes thematically. Thank you for your time. Stay awesome. (*Blooper reel & Kill la Kill hype intensifies*)

Welcome, new struggler. We hope you enjoy your stay in the fandom. The Eclipse is definitely one of the most painful experiences one can go through in fiction. I applaud you for making the trudge. I look forward to manga reviews/reactions in the future. I believe the two of you will be quite appreciative of some of the directions the series takes thematically. Thank you for your time. Stay awesome. (*Blooper reel & Kill la Kill hype intensifies*)


Now think back to Griffith giving Guts and Casca the hawk eye stare after they rescued him, and Griffith trying to strangle Guts but being too weak, and him intentionally falling on top of Casca in the wagon.At that point he was already spiteful at Guts for "leaving him" and was already trying to punish Guts by hurting him and Casca.


Yep, you understood it right Caleb. Becoming an Apostle or even a God Hand does not actually influence your mind or personality at all, it doesn't turn a good person evil like in some fairytale. Someone who was able to become one was that kind of person all along, it's why they were chosen by the Behelit. One of the main themes of Berserk is "the evil that humans are capable of" and there is actually a secret chapter called "Idea of Evil" that goes into depth on this, but it was removed from printed copies of the manga at one point because Miura felt it was too early in the series for that.


Caleb, congrats on finishing Berserk the original anime series! Until the next new series, DON'T LOSE YOU WAYYYY!

Rafael Nier

Nay, read the manga. They can watch the anime afterward if they so please.

Quinn Kaplan

This episode is supposed to make you angry and disgusted and leave you numb and hollow inside, but it makes the series as a whole (anime and manga) so much better because those emotions are needed to make you truly sympathies with guts and his new dream of killing the shit out of Griffith.


I really hate the ending of the anime specifically because they cut it to make things as nihilistic as possible. They leave in EVERYTHING terrible, but cut a ton of "uplifting" points that are present in the manga in a way that is completely undetectable if you don't already know they exist.


It's so sad we might never get a proper Berserk anime from beginning to end...

Manuel Pribuss

you should still watch the new stuff. i have to agree the animation you have to get used to but in the end i iked it.for me it was like zelda/windwaker in the end it was a good game :)


You're underestimating Berserk even after the top tier writing of this story arc. The rest of Berserk is so much more than a revenge story, you'll see.


No, they absolutely should not, not before reading the entire manga at least. Watching that would just ruin a lot of the manga reading experience because you don't feel like you've watched an anime about the same story arcs, you feel like you got the story spoiled for you. It's not just the animation that is the problem with the new seasons, the directing of the scenes is very amateurish and a lot of story is once again skipped or changed. There is zero pleasure to be gained from watching Berserk 2016-2017.

Riccardo Moscatello

Btw good observation, Zodd was supposed to be there doing something. They just didnt put him in the anime. That’s why I recommend you to watch the third movie.


That was great. Now do devilman

Henry Stafford Charles


Lukas Geissler

There's a reason why the manga is rated #1 on myAnimeList. Not that MAL is the greatest reference, but it deserves to be. Berserk is WAY more than just Guts' revenge story. PS: Watch the 3rd movie if you want to see the eclipse and its aftermath in full glory (apart from the manga).


Because this anime was specifically created to advertise the manga back then.

Magride (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:20:10 I would love to see them react to the movie or at least the third one <3
2018-09-08 12:16:59 I would love to see them react to the movie or at least the third one <3

I would love to see them react to the movie or at least the third one <3