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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 113 - Breaking Butterfly

Woooowwwww. Even though the stakes have already been raised to insane levels, sure, let's just raise them even higher for *very personal reasons.* Oh yeah, and we're not talking about just one character. Oh no, no, no. That would be too easy. What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505


Kyle Green


Agnus Agnus

YES, I refresh randomly and I see this.


1 x 1 x 3 = 3 Third slot?

Charles Sgnt

You had so much fun in this discussion i was smiling throught the entire thing. It's like this arc has been designed for guys like you it's amzing

Minashiro Soushi

We interrupt this program to deliver our bi-weekly third slot request, thank you for your cooperation. Nox, the floor is yours.

frederik wøhliche

well thats the thing no matter what you may think of the show if you like it or not or think its the best or just okay its an amazing show for thinking about info you are given :P powers are so complicated that you can really get into what they might be able to do with them later on and the plots are pretty damn great more often than not and so many characters get really great developement like killua and meruem

Garikai (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:19:22 Ah. Tuesday's and Thursday's <3
2018-09-04 19:39:04 Ah. Tuesday's and Thursday's <3

Ah. Tuesday's and Thursday's <3


Spirtual Message was explained already. It's his hynotism and what allows him to read minds.


Considering this is probably my 7th or 8th time rewatching this show completely, the absolute hype from watching along with you guys is insane. This show was the reason I became a patreon. I cannot wait. 3rd slot?

Jacky Lin

im having burgers tonight


Ikalgo has 3 potential challengers...3rd slot?


@ Mods I have a request. I don't know how far ahead the bros are, but could you tell them that they can skip to 3:24 on episode 116. They'll be skipping over a very long recap that imo is unnecessary to watch (correct me if I'm wrong and there's actually new stuff in it). Of course they can watch it if they want, but I'm just making a suggestion.


Gon is holding Killua back? Lol... no. If anything, Killua is where he is at thanks to Gon. He was the reason Killua was finally able to pull Illumi's needle out. Sure, Gon isn't in the healthiest place right now, but that doesn't mean you just abandon your friend.

Eric Chou



46:30 Damn what a way to explain it

Jay Hunter

Lmao thank you, someone with sense. I swear people only care about Killua. Killua this, Killua that. Forgetting that Gon is the reason why Killua is anything more than a cold killer


How to find discord link?

Marcus Nunes Manoel

Knuckle's ability its all about ''hit and run'', he can't get any damage from youpi because youpi's attacks are a form of payback the aura that knuckle ''lent'' to youpi.

Jaime Ruiz

ehhhhhhhhhhhh I just don't wanna wait until next thursdady. god damn it.

Nox (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:19:21 patreon settings &gt; account &gt; link discord to be added
2018-09-05 05:06:03 patreon settings > account > link discord to be added

patreon settings > account > link discord to be added



Thank you for this


Are you sure? Google results seem to have conflicting info about this. To me the context just doesn't make sense if it is translated as "you owe me one" even with the potential explanation, both in the immediate scene and in the larger context of the show. The literal translation would be "This is a loan" which could be interpreted either way, no?


Considering there is no pay off one way or the other, it's highly irrelevant.

Steven Fechter

I mean gon is holding killua back from going crawling back to his family and life as an assassin lol. Killua has made it clear he has no goals or dreams. Even if somehow he was being held back, hes not actually being held back from anything. All he wanted was to tag along with gon. (as hes said)

Steven Fechter

What does it say in the manga? Edit Apparently in the official translation it still says you owe me one. Idk if that means anything or not.


Yeah now that you mention it the whole thing doesn't make sense. There's no reason for Killua to take a detour (away from Gon mind you) to kill two soldier ants that don't even need to be killed because Ikalgo is in Flutter costume regardless. There's no contextual evidence either before or after the scene that Killua would think Ikalgo is so incompetent that he would need his help there. And if Killua did just make a brain fart and screwed up, "you owe me one" isn't really a normal statement to make in that situation. For this one I'm content to just throw my hands up with a "whatever"

Jaime Ruiz

why do they think so lolwly of Gon? wtf