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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 115 - Breather Episode

Okay, this episode had some great moments (I'm looking at you, Shoot.) Let's be real though, it almost doesn't matter what happened this episode because nothing can compare to that cliffhanger. What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



Next time on Hunter x Hunter...


3 wrong passcodes for the elevator means death…..3rd slot?

Eric Chou

2 more days bois and gals

Anthia Grant

That last shot still give me chills!!! GON!!!! I dunno if ya'll are ready!!! But I will agree... the narration in these episodes are a bit much... half of the time unnecessary. But I'm so happy there was no narration at the end... Gon's face and his aura said it all lol... sigh onto episode 116!

Jaime Ruiz

I've been waiting for ep 116 since they mentioned getting close to the triple digits. wooo



Michał Zienkiewicz

Thank you *bows* until we get to manga and BEYOND


This thursday guys Its time for one of my favorite episodes in hxh


116 is the most hyped I've been for a hxh reaction since episode 47, and it only gets better from there! HYPE!!

Steven Fechter

I know the pacing may seem weird but they should know all of this is happening simultaneously. And since 10-30 seconds is considered a large amount of time in this series we need to see whats happening everywhere if theyre gonna see a situation where they all converge and it makes sense.

Jaime Ruiz

Omg my dick is so hard for 116!!!! YaaaaaS


The best indicator is practically Knuckles ability Bankrupt

Maxime Goettelmann

116 - 130 - 131 = Best Episodes. And the first one is coming...

Diana mccall

I don’t wanna watch anymore😭


"At first you had my curiosity... But now you have my erection."

Yagi di Hoshi

Brovada's official name is actually "Bloster." Get it? Lol


Oh trust me, the build up in this episode is so fucking worth it


oh god...


First time being in sync on first try. VICTORY!


You know if you click on the video and go to youtube, there is a person who always posts links to a pre-synced version. (Just get there early)


Next episode you'll get all the Gon and Pitou. you got to upload your reactions to 116 as soon as possible. I need to see your faces especially Caleb's, also don't sell Gon short he'll surprise you with how his part in all this plays out cause you're so close but so far off about what is gonna happen lol.


I'm really curious to see how they interpret what happens. The discussion is going to be a lot of fun.


My favorite anime episode of anything ever coming up soon enough...


Was not expecting so much poetry from you Waluigi

Maxime Goettelmann

Not specially, but I don't think the other fight was on the same level. The true memorable part of this whole arc for me was the raw emotions of Gon (and Killua by link). Everything else was damn good but not as perfectly done.


85-95-111-116-126-130-131-135. The best episodes of "Chimera Ant" arc for me

frederik wøhliche

oh yes as someone who still fully remembers the route this show takes with gon and killua too i am looking so much forward to what they think is going to happen and slowly see it happen XD

Derrick C. Shields

"The reuse of certain scenes was bad in this episode." Sorry, what? There's the pre-title recap, which is almost always reused - given that it's a recap; and the extra two seconds of Knuckle saying "bring it!" which is a commercial bumper related thing. The episode where they replay the whole start of Killua running down the hallway was more egregious, even. Don't really understand.