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Sorry about the wait everyone! We were waiting for Warner Bros to release the copyright claim.


SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 3 Episode 30 -

We'll be watching this show every Saturday until we've caught up! As always leave us your thoughts in the comments! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



WB's been clamping down lately huh?


The opposite! YouTube's claim bot is being more aggressive, and Warner Brothers has been consistently releasing the claims quickly every week :)!


Magnets?!? How do they work?


The rights holders choose the terms of how stringent and how lenient their ContentID checking is. They have options like how many seconds of matching content counts as copyright infringement, etc, so technically WB could relax their requirements and it wouldn't be consistently down and need manual claims release.


Bas-tet. The second t is NOT silent. It's Bastet. Like the Egyptian God. Like all of the other Egyptian Gods that these Stands are named after.