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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 125 - The Power of a Heart

Oh boy...Gon is really not in a good place...I want to say the same for Netero and Meruem, but I'm not exactly sure who is in the bad place. I really hope they don't blue ball us again next episode... Follow us on Twitch: @SemblanceofSanity_YT Mondays @ 3 pm PST: Podcast Tuesdays @ 3 pm PST: Berserk manga reaction What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



Next episode is THE EPISODE




Blood circulation. She's aquatic now, so she has less blood flow. Her lips turned people as a result. My theory anyway.


The heart mean he's grateful. He's not taunting anyone.


he does have his lucky heart tee


Netero is grateful for being able to fight someone all out for the first time in who knows how long. He's thanking the universe for creating the circumstances that gave him this opportunity.


I mean, that's literally what he was saying... not sure how they saw that as a taunt, lol.

frederik wøhliche

yeah for someone as fixated on fighting this is like the greatest gift to be given :P a fight with someone he wont even know if he will survive duking it out with

Jake Port

He said he was greatful that's why he made the heart. He was literally saying that as you were saying he was taunting.

Wesley Deeg

I'm going to borrow this from another person's work, but a clearer translation for Netero's speech would follow thusly: ”When? When did I start waiting for my opponent to make the first move? When indeed? It became a routine. The loser held out his hands in gratitude for the lesson and I graciously accepted without skipping a beat. As if that what was I wanted! That's not how it should be! For so long, I sought the height of perfection. I dreamed of giving my heart and soul to battle an unstoppable adversary!! I'm a lucky man. I'm thankful for everything that led me to this point. That led me to you!"


Moderators should tell them to look up the Nen types of the characters they're interested in knowing because alot of them aren't mentioned in the Anime but in the databooks. Like the fact that Knuckle is an Emitter, Meruem being a Specialist, Netero an Enhancer, etc. It will be beneficial for their discussions instead of the unneeded confusion like Jacob insisting that "Meruem is an Enhancer" for god knows why


Actually kinda annoying when they just randomly say they are in a certain category when there is no evidence that they are.. But I think they want the pleasure of finding it out themselves though.


oh boiiiiiiii things are happening .


their discussions are becoming spoilers


But they won't and it just wastes time with false speculations, some are really tricky like Knuckle for example. Also personally I think that rationalising how the abilities and the personalities of the characters make sense for the Nen type that the characters fall in IS the real fun, and they'll never manage to do that correctly if they don't even know the Nen Type of the character they're talking about.

dale cunningham

Don't worry guys, all the questions will be answered. The rollercoaster ride isn't over yet.

Ace of Blades

In fairness to the Meruem part, without knowledge of his Nen type it’s probably the most likely pick based off of Hisoka’s personality test. Meruem is so confident in his power that he’s honest at all times about his intentions and actions (aside from maybe when dealing with Komugi where he’s more conflicted). He doesn’t feel the need to lie so he comes off as brutally honest about everything. Not to mention that he seems to be the physically strongest living thing in existence with no gimmicks shown so far, further lending credit to people thinking he’s an Enhancer.

Jaime Ruiz

Gon remembers why he’s there. His only reason for going is to save Kite. He doesn’t care about the rest of the people. He’s just a kid so why would he?

Ashley Saari

LOL, the "strongest will" quote is from Thanos in Infinity War.

Yan Hang

One thing must be clarified here, Netero was NOT taunting. He was truely grateful for encountering with Meruem and fighting him. As a typical Shaonen Manga character, the real value of his life is to seek a true fight with an equivalent or stronger opponent, but he couldn't for a long time because he had been too strong, until he met Meruem. That's why he was so grateful. You guys must understand this because this is essential for understanding what happens in the next episode, which is a crucial episode in this arc.


Official Summary: Specialists are individualistic and charismatic. They won't tell you anything important on them, and refrain from being close friends, but, because of their natural charisma that draws others, they are always surrounded by many people. Because Specialization is unique and can have many facets, most Specialists possess only one Hatsu technique. Core Traits: It is my belief that to truly understand any of the 6 personality types we must look at the core motivating factors for that type. I believe Specialists tend to have 2 such traits. Fixation - While Specialists can be extremely varied and multi-faceted, even more so than Transmuters I'd argue, they all show this defining trait. Every Specialist seen shows a fixation upon something. Chrollo one of the first and most prominent examples of the Specialist Nen type is so fixated with the concept of theft that not only did he design his Hatsu around it but also organized and leads a group of extremely powerful nen users for the purpose of stealing things. Likewise Neon Nostrade explained that the words of one fortune teller she heard as a child inspired her so strongly that she unintentionally unlocked her own nen and developed a fortune-telling hatsu. Binoilt would appear to be fixated on cannibalism to the point that his Hatsu not only requires he eat a piece of his target, but rewards this effort by telling him information about the person's body, similar to that is Meruem who was fixated on becoming the pinnacle of evolution, with his chimera ant background his Hatsu required him to eat his target and in return gain more power. Even Meleoron displays a certain fixation with hiding, and not merely with his impressive Hatsu. Meleoron portrayed himself as a meek and benign figure, easily forgotten, easily overlooked, and most important: easily hidden. For those born Specialists I believe this trait to be key to their very being. From the moment of their birth Specialists are designed to fixate and simply spend their lives searching for the thing they are most compatible with and once found devote their lives to this thing. I believe this can also offer some explanation as to how one can be born another type and later in life become a Specialist. If one were to find themselves so fixated, so overwhelmingly obsessed with something, have the necessary aptitude, and lack the necessary Hatsu potential then their Nen would become Specialist to help them create a Hatsu most suited to their new fixation. I believe this in part would explain why someone as fixated on combat as Hisoka shows no indication of becoming a Specialist. Being a natural Transmuter, Hisoka lacks any natural aptitude for Specialist nen and furthermore Hisoka seems far more than content with his current nen usage implying he has no need or desire to acquire more Specialist traits, hence such a transition would never occur for him. Independence - Specialists more than even Conjurers, display a staunch independence. They know what they want and how to get it and have little reason to complicate the situation with close ties. While a Specialist may have little reason to socialize they do see the benefit of it far more than a Conjurer would. In this we can see Specialists showing more inclination to having friendships, working relationships, and associates to call upon. Of course Specialists primarily exist as islands unto themselves and for this reason, even if they do accept friendships and colleagues they rarely allow the relationships to become close or vulnerable. Specialists tend desire to preserve their independence far more than they desire any sort of relationship. Chrollo offers an example of this in that we see he does indeed mourn and by proxy care for the Troupe members. Yet the same Chrollo who cried for Uvogin also ordered that the Spiders never prioritize his own life over the orders he'd given to them. To the independent Chrollo seeing the Spiders do as he told them instead of letting personal attachment override their judgement is a priority. Meleoron also displays this independence. Choosing to leave the King behind and even rebel against his Ant brethren. Yet in spite of this seemingly heroic choice, Meleoron still refused to associate himself with the vast majority of other living beings only allowing those whom had gained his trust to even converse with him. Of course, the emotionally immature Neon also proves an independent character. We see Neon showing little to no concern for anyone or anything other than her own desires until seeing Eliza's suffering. Only at the site of a heartbroken and mentally shattered friend could Neon find it in herself to set aside what she wanted in favor of aiding someone else. The fact that basic human empathy required such strong stimulus to reveal itself in Neon indicates that she was indeed an extremely independent person, who unlike Chrollo, lacked the emotional maturity to know when to focus on others. Charismatic - Now, this one can be quite deceptive, I think. Perhaps I'm just out of touch, but I'm not aware of any fandoms devoted to the amazing appeal of Binoilt. The man could be described as many things, but...charismatic? Well, not quite. Perhaps "fascinating" would be a better word. In the same way Specialists are predisposed to acquire fascination with certain things, Specialists themselves can become the fascination of others. Binoilt is far from a charming or appealing individual yet his nature is so utterly unique and foreign it demands attention. Binoilt is not going to walk into any room or use his Hatsu on anyone without immediately grabbing people's attention. Chrollo offers us a far more traditional example of charisma. Not only can Chrollo contain the many volatile personalities that make up the Troupe earning their complete loyalty, but can also waltz his way through just about any social situation. The theft of Lovely Ghostwriter displayed a true artist in the art of seduction. Not only walking right by high security, not only captivating Neon, but also convincing security to open access to the building despite the high-profile nature of the event. Pakunoda, offers her own examples of charisma. The use of Psychometry requires physical contact. When using her Hatsu on Gon and Killua she also displayed a very confident, and slightly seductive manner of body language with them. One could only assume that Paku has a great deal of experiencing letting her targets get close enough to touch their skin and steal their thoughts. Additionally her choice of attire while formal enough to easily fit in somewhere like the Yorknew Auction is also revealing enough to imply she has little in the way of shame and perhaps wanted to draw attention and lust from potential victims of her thefts. Pros: Fixation - "A jack of all trades, master of none" is an old adage that implies a little skill in many things can rarely compensate for a lack of mastery in anything. The Specialist tendency to find and obsess over a topic of interest almost always leads to undisputed mastery in the chosen topic. What better thief have we seen than Chrollo? In addition to her ability to steal memories, we are given indication that Paku's true fixation was with the truth as she is also considered an expert of non-verbal communication, a skill she likely gained in her quest of discerning truth from lies. Independence - We all inevitably face moments where we alone must stand before the challenger. Be it an emotional problem, a physical confrontation, or a situation in life. There are times we must rely on our own ability to pull us through and the Specialist's independent streak gives them more than an edge in this regard. Charisma - The ability to draw the interest and attention of others can take one far in life. As Chrollo demonstrated, with the proper application of charisma he can steal the Hatsu that funds a mafia leader right under the mafia's nose without ever lifting a finger. Those that stand out, those that can inspire trust in others they are people listened to and people that can get what they want. Cons: Fixation - "A jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one.". While exceptional mastery in a topic can allow one to excel. Those that have only one skillset may find themselves lacking when unforeseen circumstances arise. The master hunter will survive few cold nights if he doesn't know how to start a fire. The Specialist, if lacking in creative thinking, may find themselves pigeon-holed and unable to properly adapt. Independence - While standing alone in the storm is sometimes necessary, challenging an army alone is often suicidal. For every situation that requires isolation there are many more that require cooperation. Binoilt walked alone and eventually found himself nothing more than a training tool for children while Chrollo never hesitated to ask for assistance and has thus far always come out alive and well. Bleedover: Manipulator - While it is still unclear exactly how the affinities play out for a Specialist regarding other nen types, it is clear that the Specialist borrows traits from the neighboring types. Chrollo is the finest example of a Specialist-Manipulator bleedover. When killing Hisoka we see that Chrollo had manipulated Hisoka, the audience, and multiple Hatsu to ensure every possible variable and detail was exactly where it needed to be to ensure his desired outcome. We see this manipulation even extended to Chrollo's very own Hatsu Skill Hunter when he altered its function drastically in preparation for the execution of Hisoka. Conjurer - Pakunoda probably offers us the best example of Specialist-Conjurer bleedover (I am not counting Kurapika as exactly how the Scarlet eyes effect his typing and personality are a discussion for another day). By first impression alone Pakunoda demonstrates primarily Conjurer traits. Remaining reserved, and stoic, defaulting to a rather apathetic expression when not attempting to charm someone; and showing considerable aptitude in analyzing and processing detailed information. Similar Type: Specialists can run the gamut of Nen types as far as similar personality traits go. Neon's Independence could be confused for Enhancer selfishness, Chrollo's strategy as Manipulator control, Paku's stoicism as Conjurer reserve, and so on. Most commonly Specialists will resemble Manipulators and Conjurers due to bleedover, but are by no means limited to this. Opposite Type: As above, Specialists can display traits from any other type, meaning they can be opposite to any type. If we consider Manipulator-Conjurer affiliations to be most typical of Specialists then we'd find Emitter-Enhancer to be their least common type. Specialists tend to display control in place of volatility; reasonable drive in place of selfish stubbornness. Hatsu: Specialists are all unique, and have unique interests. Thus it is best for Specialists to find the thing that appeals to them most and devise a way of incorporating that into their Hatsu. Generally Specialists display great aptitude and similarity with Manipulators and Conjurers and thus will likely find using these two Nen types to be most effective for them unless they choose to use Specialist Nen in unique ways that defy the applications of the other 5 types. *Credit to HunterxHunter reddit user malleusdeus.*



frederik wøhliche

haha i love watching their analysis as someone who already saw the show many times before :) lets me enjoy seeing how much they get right and their reaction to the stuff they get wrong XD and what they then think of the new stuff they learned :P

dale cunningham

The penultimate crucial episode in the entire series, and it drops today! With the ultimate coming soon!