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 Make sure to use your footage to sync up with the timer! In order to comply with RoosterTeeth's reaction prerequisites, our reaction with the show footage will be uploaded this  coming Saturday. 


SOS Bros React - RWBY Volume 6 Episode 2 w/ Timer

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Havent watched the discussion part yet, so idk if you go into it, but genie saying that there were 2 questions remaining is huge since Oz claimed that there were no questions left. More lies stacked on lies. I love how much his character has evolved over the Volumes. I wouldn't quite call him a villain yet, but he is clearly not a good guy.

Some Conformist

I forgot that Yang is lying about who the spring maiden is which is annoying cause she seems to be the most against all of Ozpin's lies.


is it really worth it to torture myself with this animation? Never seen RWBY, tried it but that animation is offensively bad


When did she lie about the Spring Maiden? When she came out of the vault she said Cinder was missing, Vernal dead and Raven gone. All of these statements are the thruth.

Some Conformist

Well when they were talking about how when they brought up the spring maiden being gone now and Yang's sideways glance. I don't believe it was directly mentioned if she lied or not but it seems she did from the body language. I could be wrong however


Well I would say at least give it a try, its not everyone's cup of tea, but a try is at least worth it. As for the animation, because of this show originally starting just as a passion project, it didn't get that much funding, and it was only animated by one person, who was the original creator of the show IIRC; however as the seasons went on and it gained more traction with the Roosterteeth community and beyond it got more and more funding and the animation improves immensely, along with the number of people who are behind it. If you give a quick binge you can easily finish volume one within a couple of hours, which is the worse of the animation style, and see it improve as you go from volume to volume.


The quality in animation between just volume one and two is huge. Each volume after that continues to improve as the budget improves. You could try watching the openings for the higher volumes to see what we mean. As a side note the SoS Bro's started filming their rwby reactions at volume 4.


I personally feel like RWBY is like a old video game series you grew up loving the first couple seasons were on consoles where all the characters were polygons but at the time those graphics were amazing and the characters/story were good enough for you to look appreciate it for more than just how it looked. Now with new consoles the graphics are getting better and better but fans just love it no matter what since they have been on the ride since its first installment.


I wouldn’t call it bad, the earlier seasons yeah the art and color are pretty bad but the fights are a feast for the eyes since the creator was extremely good at animating fights and since his death the chapter has improved dramatically


Maybe, could be she did that because her mom left, again. At the most she withheld information, kinda like Ozpin does all the time. It's a sign she doesn't fully trust Ozpin

Dedotated Wam

That's a big misconception, as a 3D animator by trade, it's easy to see they are putting all their focus on nice looking character models, while the animation isn't nearly as good as earlier seasons. Monty partly animated volume 3 and that is by far some of their best work

Dedotated Wam

After the art style changed the show was a lot more of a slog to get through

Tammi M

I think she kept the truth about Raven being the maiden to herself because she's protecting her. She also is/has taken her mom's words to heart about being wary of Ozpin and what all he says and does. She suggested her not to just sit there and 'obey'. She trusts Ruby's judgement but not Ozpin's and seeing Qrow so devoted to him would make her just as cautious around him. I've thought about Raven having opened the vault and think it may very well be possible. And Raven is pretty clever, it wouldn't take a lot to look at a magic lamp and not play word association Jinn is a pretty well known Genie name. But even more so, Ozpin is repeatedly withholding information... He didn't tell them the Relic is an active beacon to Grimm and let them board a train full of innocent people. He also said that the questions were all used up - when Jinn reveals only 1 of the three, have been used. So far, Raven's warning has been right. He's also repeatedly asking Oscar to switch places with him - could be he's trying to make Oscar submit to him and eventually take over... :O I dunno, the theories of RWBY have already started and my thoughts are all over the place! I haven't even started with Cinder, Neo, RNJ, Salem, MEH, the Spiders AHHHHHHH system overload. Does not compute. X_X Anyways.... I hope that whatever is to be revealed doesn't change what needs to be done - to gather relics and defeat Salem and that the group sees that. I also wonder if Salem has told Cinder, Hazel, Watts and Tyrian about the truth of her and Ozpin- and on that note maybe Leo as well? Will the truth reveal more than the gang bargained for? Will Ruby and her team question everything they know? Find out next time on Dragonb--- RWBY!

Tammi M

Short answer, yes. Please give it a try! I mean, the first season is short enough that it wouldn't be wasting much of your time. So why not? I actually prefer the animations of vol 1-3 to the style now, however the movements, environments and attention to detail has significantly improved... There's just something about the design and characteristics and proportions of the characters that were more appealing to me in the earlier volumes. Yang is one that I absolutely loved in the first three volumes and Blake a close second. I didn't start RWBY until they were in between volume three and four. I'm not a fan of this type of animation style but a friend wouldn't shut up about it as volume 4 was soon approaching and so I watched it and enjoyed it so much that I spend ridiculous amounts of time coming up with crazy CRAZY theories on what'll happen next with my kid brother lol. I say, give it a try. The fight scenes (that initially hooked me, are gorgeous and the dorky jokes and interactions were lovely.