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SOS Bros React - Violet Evergarden Episode 13 -



On the off chance that you two will read this comment on an old post, consider this my letter to you... A couple of hours ago I decided to quench my boredom by going through your archives and finding a show to binge. I stumbled across this one and went through it all in one go alongside you. It is safe to say I probably would not have watched the show were it not for that... For this alone, I must thank you immensely. It is rare for me to connect to a show like I have with this one. You see, I am firmly on the autism spectrum, and even on said spectrum I am a rather unusual case. To put it lightly, I rarely see anything resembling my personal experience in any kind of media. Violet and her problems both with emoting, understanding her internal emotional state and communicating it ( and communicating in general ) with others is one of those rare cases. And the show has gotten to me like few others as a result of that. But even beyond that, I watch your channel specifically because it allows me to get the reaction and perspective on stories that I often lack. So a show about someone with problems like mine, watching others and learning from those experiences, hits very close to home... Close enough at least that I am now feeling motivated enough to break my usual complete silence in outside communication to write this all down... because I'm in the mood for letters that may never be read... but writing it is just for me I think... I just want you to know that what you do helps someone out there, just a little... to understand things more... and to experience them a little more... thank you for that, and for inadvertently getting me to watch this rare treat of a show