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SOS Bros React - Hajime No Ippo Season 1 Episode 3 -

We'll be watching this show every Sunday until we're all caught up! What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/semblanceofsanity_YT Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



EEE - poe, EEE - poe, not ip - poe


Miyata is best girl


Takamura and Ippo are in significantly different wieght classes (126 vs 160).


That's Takamura's weight when he is trying to lose it. He is much heavier normally.


Yes, hence "weight class" and not "weight" lol. Ippo isnt usually 126 either, he's usually a pound or two under.


So where do you guys watch this ? I want to have the same subtitles when I watch the Full Length reaction.


would be dope to have more ippo ep since its pretty long, unless you plan to already also looks like you guys are enjoying this so far pogchamp


Would you guys consider doing something like you did with hunter x hunter where it is Tuesday Thursday two episodes? This is by far the second longest series next to hunter x hunter and would be great to be finished by next year hopefully. Just a thought!

dale cunningham

They're still confusing 'senpai' and 'sensei'.

Rudy Strother

I don’t think they are confusing the terminology. I think they think Takamura will be the actual teacher in this relationship. They’ll clue in soon enough


Caleb needs to learn some weight classes 101. Ippo and takamura will never fight.

Rudy Strother

I REALLY hope the same but apparently they have said they won’t do the same show multiple times a week anymore :(


Yeah, their Japanese terminology game is almost normie level, pretty disappointing tbh.

Diwan Roka

soo glad they picked up this anime, havnt seen it for over a decade, forgot how good Ippo was.