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SOS Bros React - HunterxHunter Episode 140 - Leorio's OBJECTION!!!

That punch was absolutely incredible!! I didn't realize how much I NEEDED that to happen until it happened. Leorio...it's good to have you back. Follow us on Twitch: @SemblanceofSanity_YT Mondays @ 3 pm PST: Podcast Tuesdays @ 3 pm PST: Berserk manga reaction Fridays @ 6 pm PST: Caleb Gaming What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505


Anthia Grant

1 month left... it's almost over... noooooooo!!!!!! :'(

faaris shareef

Just to clarify, Killua always addressed Alluka as his sister not brother

Derrick C. Shields

"Leorio punching Ging is so inconsequential to the plot..." lol


Hexagon, octogon, speaktogon

dale cunningham

Do you think the crowd gathered by accident? The Hunters had to be informed about the speeches/meeting.

Felipe Vivanco

Alluka is a boy who identify as a girl, thats why killua call her a her, but how the rest of the family didnt care for her they call her a him (sorry inglish)


Happy birthday to me, I finally get to watch you guys react to Leorio punching Ging in the face lol


alluka is very much a trans girl, the rest of the family has little-to-no respect for that and continue to refer to her by her physical sex.


I think it's more complex than that. How would Alluka who is a child that's not mature or experienced enough make such a decision, taking into account that Alluka had almost zero interactions with the outside world and people to know what he is or what he actually wants, and not mentioning the super abusive mother that dresses her young boys as girls for her own selfish ambiguous reasons, most likely because she doesn't give birth to girls and wants one that badly. Alluka developed Gender Dysphoria due to the mother treating him as a girl from a young age. Kalluto barely escaped developing this disorder due to the fact that he is given a lot more freedom and isn't isolated from the world like Alluka is.


gender and sex are very much different things, and even if someone hasn't had surgery they are still trans if they identify other than the gender assigned at birth. a story like alluka's isn't uncommon, there are a lot of kids around alluka's age who experiment with their gender identity, and it's often accompanied by family who disregard any change from what they started with. it's as clear as it will ever be in this episode: the family is under the assumption alluka is a boy, killua is the only one who respects her identity and explicitly brings along canary for the reasoning of "Alluka is a girl," and has needs or wants that fall outside of gohto's field. it's as unambiguous as it gets


The idea that gender identity is independent of biological sex is insane. It's wrong, it's not a matter of opinion, it's seriously wrong. The scientific data aren't only clear, they're clear beyond dispute. It's as bad as claiming that the world is flat.


Comparing saying gender identity being independent of biological sex to saying that the Earth is flat is not a very good comparison, because science backs that sex and gender exist on a spectrum. Biological sex is not black and white either. Intersex people exist. We used to think it was straightforward and that X equals female chromosome and Y equals male chromosome, but science shows us that we see more combinations than that in real life. Even with people with two chromosomes, anatomy is different, hormones are different. What makes people men and women is not so clear cut. And whatever genitalia you have is not the end-all and be-all indicator you what gender you are. If someone lost their penis and testicles in an accident tomorrow, would he no longer be a man? of course he would be, if that's what he identified as. Gender is cultural. There are millions of people in the world who identify with a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth. Trans people have existed as long as people have been people. Third genders can be found in tons of cultures around the world. Instead of trying to paint the world with a big brush and say we are only two things why not accept the fact that we're all on a spectrum and that it's not so clear cut? Because that's a lot more honest to the reality of the world.

carlo carlito

Nah Ging is an irresponsible asshole, a lovely asshole maybe, but an asshole nonetheless.

Vincent S Deluca

Guys this isn't a political statement or anything its a show chill, Her Genders ambiguous cool thats not like a new thing in anime in fact they do this quite frequently. This was made in 2011, in Japan where this isn't an Issue like in Present-day America so stop bringing your own baggage into it lol.


i WOULD be chill, but seeing a transphobic comment that invalidates trans people and says that the way they identify is 'insane' and 'seriously wrong' unfortunately affects my ability to be chill. esp when it's not just some random tweet on my timeline but on the patreon of a community that i like to engage in.


Jesus Danchou calm your shit, it's an anime it doesn't need to follow IRL scientific studies. She identifies as a girl but was born male, if your response is "She's too young to decide that" then you need to realize this isn't real. Gon was also too young to have to save the world amd Killua was too young to be tortured and become an assassin, so I will say it again, it's not real.

Kyle Green

You constantly say this Danchou, but the idea that children are ignorant of sex, sexuality, and gender is not scientific but a myth, and many, many trans people claim to have known even as a child. Speaking of scientific data, it's a scientific fact that transgendered individuals have brains more similar to the gender they identify as than to their sex. So.

dale cunningham

Who, as a Hunter, likes it when his prey move as intended. He deliberately provoked Leorio, why?


If it: - Has a penis - Has a Y chromosome - Has a functioning SRY gene - Has no biological intersex disorder Then it's a male, there's no ifs or buts about it. Now having said that, there are masculine women and there are feminine men if you look at temperament for example. So on average men are less agreeable and lower in neuroticism than women and so they’re lower in negative emotions and lower in compassion and empathy, they’re more competitive. Now the differences there aren’t massive, so if you take a random man and a random woman from the population and you guess that the woman is more agreeable than the man you’d be right 60% of the time..but wrong 40% of the time, so there’s a lot of overlap and you can have men with quite feminine temperaments and women with quite masculine temperaments, but they still have all sorts of other differences that characterize them. There’s the biological grounding, there’s the variability and then there’s also the sociological elements that interacts with all of this. Let’s say gender is performative (which is something the damn postmodernists agree on among themselves). Alright so that makes gender into a kind of agreed-upon social game, but that’s the thing.. It’s an agreed-upon social game ! You don’t identify..you don’t adopt the role because it suits how you feel, you adopt the role so that you can use it as a tool to maneuver within society. I mean that’s why the transsexual guys often become out as extraordinary feminine, they wear dresses they wear high heels they wear makeup, none of that is biologically instantiated or if it is it’s only to a limited degree, but they adopt those rules because people know how to play the game. The thing about identity is that it’s a set of tools that you use to operate within the world, and if those tools don’t function you don’t have a functional identity. It isn’t just something that you put on just because you feel that way, it has to be something that other people know how to respond to or you’ll become completely alienated.


Go watch Aleczandxr's video about Ging. He's a true Buddhist. You're just thinking he's an asshole because you look at him through a western outlook.

Agnus Agnus

Danchou Link the scientific data you claim is clear about such a complex thing as gender then. I can't wait for the praggerU link.


"Assigned at birth" You call the probably not even 1% of people who happen to not fit easily into a gender category "not uncommon". It is very much uncommon, a rarity. So to say than an anomaly is an indication that gender is "assigned at birth" is ridiculous. We have a gender, and there are a very very tiny minority that are (genetically) exceptions. And I am completely for supporting those people. But I dont count the trend trans people in it. The ones that just go with the flow to gain attention. Ive been witness of 2 "trans" people who I knew for years (we were friends) and where I 100% knew that they were a) Mentally completely unstable b) Unbearable attention seeking. They werent bullied or so and had many friends. But they were undeniably and completely obviously mentally sick. They are the representation of the mental degeneration that is this sick generation What I noticed on both is that both were pretty privileged (rich) people whose parents couldnt say no to anything they said. Maybe there is a connection? Wrong Parenthood and the resulting insecurity? Crying for Attention? As a german I dont even understand how you could have 2 words for Gender or Sex. The German language has a word for almost anything but we only have one word for gender. "Geschlecht" Here they now try to introduce this bs by adding Psychological and Biological before the word to distinguish your stupid made up difference

Gunnar Bucher

Carmadillo I'm not saying this to be harsh or anything. but Trans people are mentally ill, and suffer from gender dysphoria. Those intersex people people that exist come in 4 types. those with turner syndrome only have an x chromosome and are naturally sterile. Triple x syndrome is the presence of an extra x chromosome and those individuals are indistinguishable from normal females for the most part. then there is Klinefelter syndrome which is XXY and produces sterile men. lastly there is xyy syndrome which is just more "manly men". in any event these genetic anomalies are either functionally identical to the standard or infertile, they aren't actual sexs of their own. of course you are right in genitalia not being the determining factor of a gender but it is the result of our genes expressing themselves along with the standard bone structure and hormone levels there are variations from individual to individual of course but they are inline with one of two norms. Intersex people, and trans people are overwhelmingly rare at less than one percent of the population and are not a part of a spectrum but outliers of a binary system. I don't mean any hate from this, as I personally know a couple of trans people both nice individuals and I have talked with them about their struggle with their identity. At the same time however, Ignoring the massive suicide rates for Trans people, both pre and post operation, doesn't help any of the individuals struggling with it.

Kyle Green

Shockingly, Lucius, the mass suicide rate of trans people has a lot more to do with people like you telling them that they're mentally ill - and people worse than you, like Yuion and Danchou - constantly berating them, denying their existence, and telling them how worthless they are and that you understand their bodies and minds better than they do. Not to mention all the hate crimes committed against them, that it's perfectly legal to fire someone for no reason other than being trans in over half the states in the US - when they're not outright killed, that is. I wonder if the high suicide rate has a lot more to do with that than with the people who accept them and love them. Strange concept, isn't it?


@ Kyle Green It is a strange concept, the idea that you’re gonna sacrifice an entire society’s proper definition of sex because of someone with a pre-existing condition that makes them more susceptible to criticism, then that’s not a way to run a society. You can’t sacrifice truth because some people are gonna suffer because of the truth + there’s no evidence what so ever that the suicide rate would go down in the transgender community in any way if people just started to pretend that men are women and women are men. It’s not a lack of sympathy for folks who are transgender, these people are suffering, these people have a serious serious disorder, but it is also not helpful to engage the world on a wide-scale violation of biological standards in order to supposedly quash the feelings of hurt that people are feeling because of the disorder, you can't do that. And I love the assumption that because I disagree with you over the forced-feeding of gender terminology..because I disagree with you about the violation of basic freedom of hundreds of millions of people in favor of a false perception of reality of a few, that I somehow lack sympathy for people who are suffering.


@Kyle Green Where did I say they are worthless? Where did I deny their existence`? Ill quote myself: "And I am completely for supporting those people." I just said that they are really rare, that I think considering the two transitions i witnessed with my own eyes, that there is mostly a deeper problem that is causing gender dysphoria. Mostly its genetic problems (Thanks to Lucius Weaver for pointing them out) and a few of them due to bad parenthood (I guess it is attention seeking) maybe a form of shizophrenia but more probably a depression that manifests itself in this symptom. I was never against trans people, quite the opposite. I think they need help to get themselves together and learn to live with what and who they are. That includes that if you are born a male but think you are a female that you have to learn to live with that reality. The thing I hate to the core though is the people who pretend to be trans to get attention or to fit into their group of friends. Its a trend and that makes me sick One thing I learned in therapy is that if you cant live with something you cant change you have to learn to cope with it. "Never waste your energy on things you cant change" And cutting your penis or turn the inside of your vagina inside out to recreate a penis is one of the cruelest things that I can imagine you could do. You take away any possibility to learn to cope with reality and even worse (which is one of the top reasons for suicide of transitioned people) take away any possibility to ever have a child. That is a huge stress factor especially later on when they start to regret their transition because they want a family. Its a very painful and unnatural process in which you put your whole hormone system upside down. You think thats healthy? tl;dr: - I am for supporting trans people by helping them to cope with reality - I am against bashing trans people. - I am against supporting narcicistic attention seeking trend "trans" people

Kyle Green

@Danchou No one is sacrificing the definition of sex. Sex is the biological state of being male or female. Gender is the social construction of characteristics associated with either. As I said, the scientific data utterly disagrees with you and proves that transgenderism is a natural, real thing. If you honestly think that telling people it's okay to be who they are, that they're accepted and protected by law, that they can't be killed because of who they identify as - if you think doing that wouldn't do anything to reduce the suicide rate, then you're simply completely lacking in basic empathy - and so, yes, you do lack that sympathy. @Yuion First of all, extrapolating from your own anecdotal experience with two people is highly problematic. Not only is that not a representative sample size, it's also not even the case for anyone who really is trans. But if you're defining the reality as 'accepting and living as the gender you were born as rather than the one you identify as,' then you are utterly incorrect and my comment still applies to you. You're literally denying their existence by telling them that what they feel and know to be true in their soul is wrong because you just know better - never mind that they, and science, disagree with you.


You're utterly delusional, here's a reality check buddy, with all the scientific facts that debunk your foolish claims. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1OKCTH5BnI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1OKCTH5BnI</a>

Kyle Green

Here are some real scientific findings rather than alt-right YouTube video parrots for you, Danchou. <a href="https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17563-z" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17563-z</a> <a href="https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm</a> "Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to new research."


"Although more research is needed" Lol,this shit isn't proven yet, so real science my ass, stfu. This is the work of a hipster radical postmodern ideologue, if it was real science it would've been the consensus, which it is not. However what I cited has been proven based on multiple studies and experiments and it is the consensus, it is pure facts that knows neither right or left. So try harder #FactsDon'tCareAboutYourFeelings

Kyle Green

Pure facts, like the brain is factually different and more identical to the gender their identify as and not their genitals. Can't argue with that. That's the real facts - not your hateful ideology.


Once the show is over someone should tell them that Alluka's power does not appear to be connected to Nen at all.