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The video was auto-blocked by YouTube, Warner Bros has removed the copyright claims every time we asked them to.

I'm so sorry y'all are having to deal with this on such an important episode reaction!


Matthew Hair

Any wait is worth this reward.


I guesstimate WB will remove the claim in the next 2-4 hours. I'll keep my eyes glued to the video until it's ready to go!

Jianyu Wang

Out of the frying pan into the fire


Dayum what an unfortunate first week of my college quarter


SOS: "Now we will finally upload our reaction!" WB: "ZAAA WARUDO!!!"


*WRRYYYSS internally*

Aaron singh hayer

You tried uploading your video, but it was muda muda muda muda muda muda MUDAAA

Al Hakam

After all the wait all i have to say to WB is..yare yare daze...

Lord Snail the Slimy

Oh well. 'tis time to go to sleep, then. It was a good wait. Thank you for doing your best to unfuck this situation!

Kyle Wilson-Hunt

Kinda hoping it doesn’t go through... A timer for these next few eps would be very ideal.

John FD Lobrano

This is why we can’t have nice things

Brian Poston (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 06:02:55 I just want to learn how to make Dio Donuts ): damn you WB
2019-01-13 01:28:29 I just want to learn how to make Dio Donuts ): damn you WB

I just want to learn how to make Dio Donuts ): damn you WB


this must be the work of an enemy stand



jordan hold

1:55 am in england, RIP UK bois


3:00 am here in sweden....

Kane Girard

Yeah i hope so too. These last few episodes are all going to get hit almost anyone else i seen that upload these finale episodes got taken down quick. Hopefully we can swap to timer based for now so we dont have to go thru this the next 3 weeks :/


9:23 US


omg so late its 9:27pm in toronto

Aaron singh hayer

2:45 am UK, I’m going sleep. Fight on fellow crusaders and continue to lose sleep

Clear Lime

Im at my granma's funeral, but this is awkward asf cuz I'm the only one who's wearing a casual clothe.



Damashi The Kaotic

I can't sleep until I see the reaction to the 20 meter radius emerald splash.

Alpie Onur

If it takes a while could the 5$ patrons gain access to the 10$ reward reaction just for this week?

Sam h

Yare yare daze


They should just upload timer lol

Heart of Steel

This is all a ploy to get everyone to upgrade to the $10 tier. Very clever, SoS Bros.

jordan hold

you guys said usally you give the timer if there is copywrite issues, not a massive deal but it would be nice to get acess to the full timer just for this one.

Xavier J Oliver

Pulling an all nighter tonight so just been checking intimately, 5:09 am ready to die if only there was that jojo greatness to give me life

Kane Girard

Since its past the ETA be nice if we got the full react :/

Luis Everth

I was gonna suggest watch the OVA version of DIO's fight. There are a couple things I like in the OVA version that were handled better than the anime & would like to hear their comparison.


My F5 key cant take much more of this. Smashing it like it's best girl.


Y'all it looks like WB is asleep at the moment lol, if it doesn't get unblocked tomorrow at 1pm PST, I'll make the FL accessible.

Heart of Steel

I think you meant "intermittently". "Intimately" means something very different.


Welp I’ve waited a week what’s, ~12 more hours

Clear Lime

Since money/profit is the top priority, no one can blame them for not unlocking FL yet. If I were one of them I'd do the same tbh

Daniel Brown

I think it is more about keeping the status quo than money or profit.


dayum I never realized no Jojo's could make my life feel so much shittier. Jojo is truly powerful

Kane Girard

yeah feels pretty shitty no FL tmrw. The hype for this ep has defo died :( suck WB didnt pull through

Clear Lime

Keeping status quo is done for money’s sake. Almost everything they do are for future profit no matter how they don’t seem so. It’s not a bad thing at all because time is money and they spend their limited time on this.

jordan hold

exactly, there is nothing wrong with them doing this for money as they are spending a good portion of time to produce it, the problem arises when they say "we feel your pain and are trying to solve this" when at any point they could allow us acces to 1 full lengh video and appease our waiting, thats when it gets wheird

jordan hold

how did we go from 2-4 hours to 11? im getting airport flashbacks

Jianyu Wang

Full Length and Early Access are of different paying tiers, and they are talking about how Early Access tier users($5/Month) should get access to Full Length video($10/month) for this episode this once, since they're not getting any paid content yet.


hope they mean A.M. in an hour and not P.M. in 13 hours :O




Still not up!? Man, I was literally dreaming donuts!

Roney Farjani

It's not their fault, guys. Just a series of unfortunate events.


Yeah it sucks but thats how it is. Wont be long, bros always pull through.

Science is sexy

goodbye nostaligia intensifies

Al Hakam

Oof thats like 12am Monday in my timezone rip But its ok lads this must be annoying to you too

Xavier J Oliver

Shit thought they meant 1pm my time which is now 😭


Still pissed that they didn't use that song in this episode, or at least at the end of the series !

Aaron singh hayer

Can someone use made in heaven and get us to 9pm UK already 😂


FL come dudes...


I already watched the full timer, what I want is the discussion that comes afterwards. If they make accessible I hope it has discussion


Since people are actually reading the comments here i would like to take this opportunity to say: put a second JoJo slot on the next poll for 2 JoJos a week


The bros already said on stream that the 2 slot a week thing will probably never happen again. And that applies to JoJo


ahh ok that sucks as a jojo fan but its understandable

jordan hold

you guys just hit 1000 $10 patreons, good job :), as a small milestone reward we should be able to get acess to this episode , would really mean alot, but its completely understandable if you wanna get a few more if the following hours so its no biggie.

Renato Bishop

just release the full length guys, we are patreon to support you guys, but he also like watching 1 weak earlier...


Are Kill la Kill 18 and Ippo 9 also getting delayed today or are they on schedule? Not angry, just curious.

Dry Lyo

Still no Jojo, definitely canceling my subscription. They can just upload a mediafire link with the reaction and everyone would be chill while we wait. This is ridiculous

Aaron singh hayer

So they still have no jojo yet they have their other reaction out, they could easily give us full length sooner

Charie Sheen's AIDS

ABSOLUTELY reprehensible behavior. I am outraged and very angery at the moment. I know you're reading this Caleb

b4nny Gaming

They said in a comment last night (PST) that it would be out by 1PM PST. They're working on it. Cut them some slack guys.

Aaron singh hayer

That was only for unlocking FL, they said if their video wasn’t unblocked by 1pm then they’d upload FL

Lord Snail the Slimy

I believe in you, bros! (or whoever fights to get this reaction up) You're trying your best, I know. /heartsign/


DAMN YOU DIO he did it again we are all trapped in his world


If you release the full length, will it include the post discussion?


Oh, I know. I am in the $10 tier. Thus why I was hopping they'd add the discussion since that's what I want to get now XP

Björn Lindahl

Currently breaking my f5 key

Aaron singh hayer

I can’t ORA the refresh button hard enough

Björn Lindahl

I can't imagine it being very difficult to change the tier of a post or simply uploading it again. Not mad, just disappointed...


Do what you want Daryl, but do consider the corner SOS is backed into. If they upload every reaction that gets blocked to FL, then the $10 teir gets upset (rightfully so) that they are not getting the premium service they pay for and threaten to cancel But if they dont, $5 tier gets upset and wants to cancel? Don't act like it has been an entire week with no response from the bros, its been 1 day.


I hear you Daryl, usually the episode gets unblocked within a few hours or so. I take full responsibility for the situation, it's painful and annoying any way we look at it. We put up the Full Length 8 hours ago though. I do believe the reaction will be unblocked once the weekend's over.