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RWBY V6 Chapter 11 Timer Reaction


Some Conformist

I would love to see a Lovecraftian Cthulu styled kind of water grimm. I think that would be awesome

Haughtbreaker Nic

Hard light duse, what the mech used as a shield, is what Velvet's weapon uses to generate weapons

Travis Saar

Since I believe there are only 13 episodes this Volume it would be kinda interesting if the Finale is them having to take down a massive grim from the ocean. Since like you said they hinted at it and also they showed a couple shots of everyone in the town being scared and worried. There are probably better things they can do plot wise but if they went this way I wouldn't be disappointed (unless it's bad action). I'm picturing them all fighting something like the Bewilderbeast from HTTYD.


I've a feeling Adam will not back down and will be killed... in a Gaston kind of way where his own obsession with killing the Beast (Blake) he ends up doing something that ends in his death.


Two notes about the Yang/Adam fight... Yang does the double shot launch at Adam just like she did at Beacon and Adam took a swipe that looked long he was going to take off her other arm, but she did that midair re-direct and he missed allowing her to hit him. The other thing I also noticed was that Yang was under control the entire fight. Adam may have been drained in that last blast... but Yang has not activated her semblance and gone Super-Saiyan yet...


idk where adam is pulling out these afterimages, but I'm down for it. now we just need to sit on our fucking hands until next week cause I need this bumblebee fight like yesterday

Ace of Blades

Adam is officially Vergil and I love it.

Ace of Blades

That would actually make sense and be the ultimate irony. The protectors of the town getting so militant and bloodthirsty that they drew in the thing they were trying to protect people from.