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Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 Episode 6 Full Length

Edited Reaction/Discussion Link:



omg its out


lol tbh i feel like yall have been placing reigen on a bit of a pedestal so far :P


(more rambling sry) i think his relationship with mob was, for reigen at least, very much one of convenience. (ofc he likes mob and enjoys his company and appreciates the way their unique relationship works and he probably knows this deep down but hes a total dingbat so it'll prolly take him time to realise it xD) Anw for me at least this ep was very much in character for him, and i enjoyed the heck outta it :D


I agree Reigen's shift came on kind of suddenly this episode but if you look at it with the perspective that he's been projecting himself on Mob, then it makes sense why he always thinks of Mob as alone outside the office as they showcased Reigen always is.


I do not know why a lot of people think this is a sudden change... Reigen has been like that since season one.


It was pretty out of character for him given the progression we have seen in his awareness of Shigeo's needs and emotions just a few episodes ago. It isn't that the individual instances of him being a dickhead are out of character, but that he had so many in just a handful of seconds, was cruel and thoughtless in how he spoke, and demonstrated none of the self-awareness we have been seeing from him.