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SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Episode 15 - Sticky Fingers' Clutch Move!

We'll be watching this show every Saturday until we've caught up! Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 As always leave us your thoughts in the comments! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitch - https://twitch.tv/semblanceofsanity_YT Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



I was waiting for this all day, nice :d

Matthew Forsyth

That Bruh moment when you’re old


They don't really understand Prosciutto's and Pesci's relationship much

Barre Bonds

Just imagine if Mista was shot by 4 bullets instead of 3 he'd probably be dead.. 😭 💀


NO SPOILERS, don’t fret!!! I have two tattoos for Prosciutto and Pesci on my body, so please trust me when I say that Prosciutto is NOT using him. That was actually painful to hear from you boys, because the hitman-team is so well-loved in the fandom and obviously those two are my favorites haha. Maybe it won’t become apparent until the next episode, but Prosciutto very much cares about and loves Pesci.


Even the scene where he disguised himself was to help Pesci, because he knows Pesci isn’t confident in himself or his abilities. As such, he used his Stand on himself and grabbed Pesci to stop him from running away from Mista, giving him the opportunity to face Mista on his own and (hopefully) gain more confidence. But since Prosciutto genuinely cares and didn’t want Pesci to be seriously hurt, he stuck around still disguised as old, just in case Pesci couldn’t summon that resolve (and, ultimately/sadly he wasn’t able to gain that courage in that moment) and Prosciutto would need to step in and save his life. That’s exactly why he grabbed Mista before Mista could shoot Pesci at point blank range; he wasn’t about to let his “little brother”/mentee die. So when he later says he believes in Pesci and wants Pesci to be confident in his abilities, he really MEANS it. He’s a naturally harsh and abrasive and aggressive person (much like Abbacchio), but he cares deeply and wants to see Pesci succeed.


It made me REAL sad. But hopefully by next episode, fingers crossed!


Holy shit. You sure you don't wanna comment a few more paragraphs? The fuck.....


I’m sorry, I though this was an open forum? And I wasn’t sure how to explain this scene any more concisely. Plus, the boys spend a lot of time analyzing all of these shows, so I’ve always thought it was okay to respond in kind. Is there a reason for being rude to me? I’m genuinely asking, because I don’t know what I said that was so bad...


JoJo is my favorite manga and I’m getting my PhD in literature, so I spend most of my days writing about/thinking about these things. I honestly didn’t know it would offend anyone and I sincerely apologize to you for that!

Tim Kane

I like them, obviously, but they have an unfortunate habit of latching onto an odd interpretation of things and contorting their understanding of everything that happens afterwards to fit that worldview


Don't mind this dude. I really liked to read about your insight on this scene. It's not like you spoiled anything so I really don't get what this dudes problem is.

Jermaine Tito

i mean, he loves him and he's also using him. both can be true, and I think both are. I think people should remember that their relationship gets fleshed out over the course of 3 episodes, and has much different implications looking back on it knowing the full context than it might as you experience it.

Jermaine Tito

i think they're going to understand that buccelati's zippers don't actually teleport him after next episode, lol. it's not really a pocket dimension, more like a "literally exactly the size it looks like" dimension.

Minashiro Soushi

Kassia, good read and I think you're correct, next episode really clears things up. I'm watching the show along with the bros for the first time (1-2 episodes prior to reaction) and at this point I was 50/50 on it, but then I watched ep. 16... Logan, get bent you scrub.


Part 5 fights just feel so real and high tension, it's my favorite thing about it. Every stand in Part 5 is so cool too, there's not a single one that's easy to overlook.


next week my favorite episode

Derrick C. Shields

I remember being so happy when the part 5 anime was announced specifically for this fight and the White Album fight, because both hinge on dynamic movement and fast pace so much. So happy that DP blew both out of the water. EDIT: Oh, jeez. But I don't mean that the other fights are shit or anything. That was bad wording. I agree: they're ALL fantastic.

Heart of Steel

Both cannot be true. You don't use people you love. If you're using someone, you don't love them. Simple as.

Jermaine Tito

i disagree with the notion that love is an ideal. it's a thing. it isn't magic on its own. but if you must, we don't have to call it love. He feels genuine affection and caring for pesci, and is trying to shape him into someone powerful but devoted to him. (wow, honestly that doesnt sound very different from a lot of people's definitions of love. funny, that.)

Vocal Percussion

I believe Prosciutto was trying to grab on to Pesci so he could get him to duck from the bullets without revealing himself as an enemy


Maybe. But then again, since the anime censors the inside of Buccelatti's body when he uses his zippers, they might take that as confirmation instead. Sadly, the Bros tend to run with a theory until the show outright disproves it. :(

Jermaine Tito

just a note, the manga did the weird void thing too, and i think it is kinda necessary to explain some of the shit that sticky fingers can do. what i was referring to is more that bruno starts to lose oxygen when disconnected from his body. the way i think of it the zipper space is like half a portal and half real, and the more things that are zipped apart from you the more it starts to affect you. I don't begrudge the bros for having wild theories: this is jojo! it never hurts to let your imagination go wild. personally, next week's ep was the first time I myself fully understood how Bruno's power was codified to work.

Jermaine Tito

part 5 started the trend of the stand users being important parts of the fight same as stands. both bruno and giorno in particular do much more physical acrobatics during their fights than jotaro or josuke

Jermaine Tito

i disagree, i think he was giving him a chance to not run away without explicitly chastising him for his cowardice. if pesci had turned back and summoned his stand again, prosciutto wouldn't have been angry with him.