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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Episode 26 Full Length

Edited Reaction/Discussion Link: https://youtu.be/a03K4U34c0k


Jermaine Tito

i would disagree that doppio is the one trying to be pacifist. diavolo talks him out of killing a person uneccesarily. that's another aspect of his personality: he doesn't delight in cruelty for cruelty's sake. he genuinely believes that he only does horrible things when it is necessary to his consolidation of power and anonymity.


Glad someone else gets it. Bossu is without a doubt a very bad person but he's not thhhaaaaat bad relative to some others


pretty sure there's 2 Doppios, one who thinks he's the boss's right hand man and one who knows nothing about the organization

Jermaine Tito

I don't think so. it seems like there is one doppio who gains more or less confidence and competence as the boss exerts more control over him. base level scared doppio still knew he needed to hide the envelope from risotto even though he was legitimately terrified of him. the next episode is full of gradation points where the boss and doppio start to blend together to different degrees as the transition occurs, but they are still very distinct individuals. (and still, in a lot of ways two sides of the same coin)