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SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Episode 27 - Risotto vs Doppio!

We'll be watching this show every Saturday until we've caught up! Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 As always leave us your thoughts in the comments! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitch - https://twitch.tv/semblanceofsanity_YT Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505


Remi Louzada

this episode is so good! I was waiting for this fight since the reactions began


Caleb: They're gonna go up there and heal the Boss! Me: BIG OOF

Barre Bonds

Risotto's OST is complete 🔥 my goodness I forgot how amazing it was


ohhhh I'm already stocking up on tissues for next week :'(


This is one of the tightest, most edge of your seat fights in part 5. All the stops were pulled out and tied together beautifully.


As the Bros caught on, King Crimson "skips time" as it's main ability but what makes it so terrifying is Epitaph providing the foresight to know what's coming and should be skipped.


Unfortunately, the Bros seemed to miss the fact that it was the Boss talking near the end of the Risotto fight, instead of Doppio.


It's a shame that Metallica wouldn't work in being able to transform the iron in a body into razor blades, needles etc. because the average male human body only has 4 grams of iron in it.


The moment that Araki wrote "the rods" into jojo and gave them full anatomy diagrams, I gave up on expecting araki to rationally explain any stand and just went with it

God Enel

I feel like it amplifies the iron as well like them saying it turns iron into stuff is probably oversimpliflying it.

Shin splits

We shouldn’t even bother with logic with jojos comes into play Doppio should have been long dead before he even got a chance to attack Risotto

Jermaine Tito

perhaps the only thing id disagree with is the idea risotto was going easy on the boss near the end. he had to keep his distance to avoid being attacked by king crimson's arms, and magnetism gets stronger the closer the magnet is. he was killing him as fast as possible, and at the last moment he was just putting all his effort into exterting his power, instead of keeping up his hit and run tactics. it's more of a metaphor for it being the end of the fight than anything else. Imo he lost not because of what he was doing to the boss, but because of how he was too focused on their fight as a 1v1 and not enough on their environment. somewhat related, I notice that most people don't put two and two together on the shot of Bruno holding the scalpels, but I really love that moment, reminding you that Bruno's stand is fast and precise even without using its ability, and hammering home the fact that king crimson was strong and accurate enough require that precision to be used. it makes it feels like a really convincing form of attack. it seems clear that bruno actually had to catch them in mid flight, not just pick them up off the ground.

Risotto Nero

if you are talking about the rods from part 6 how the fuck is that arakis fault its the same situation with spinosaurus from jurassic park 3 there was little to no information about them in 2000s

Derrick C. Shields

I really love the touch that early in the fight, Risotto says that "the one who gets too excited in this fight will lose" and he manages to keep it in pretty well. Until he correctly deduces the boss' dual personality and realizes he has his most hated enemy on death's door, and he can't help but shout with near glee at the prospect. Which is, as you say, when he loses track of his surroundings and gets taken by surprise.

Raymond Throne

Uh you are aware that rods don't actually exist, right? Araki doesn't care much about scientific accuracy, that's pretty obvious, but he does like cool science facts and cryptids.

Risotto Nero

um are you aware that at the time araki wrote part 6 the rodds ,,existed,, read my first comment carefully next time

Raymond Throne

There was the exact same amount of information about rods available in 2000 as there is today. None. Because they're cryptids. There wasn't a study or anything done, they just don't exist because there is and has never been any evidence, it was just a thing tabloids reported. Araki put them in because he likes cryptids, not because he thought they were real at any point.

John FD Lobrano

We started this series with the premise that unlocking the brain's full potential turns you into a literal vampire, complete with absolute disintegration in the presence of UV light. Jojo always worked via bullshit science, why would it try to be medically accurate now?