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SOS Bros React - Beastars Season 1 Episode 2 - The Wild Side!

This show is hitting the ball out of the park! We get plenty of characterization for our main cast as well as greatly opening up the world of carnivores and herbivores! What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Check out Jacob's NEW published book Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 Follow us on Twitch: www.twitch.tv/semblanceofsanity_YT Mondays @ 3 pm PST: Podcast Tuesdays @ 3 pm PST: One Piece manga reaction Thursdays @ 3 pm PST: Jacob Gaming Fridays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505


Yagi di Hoshi

Time to witness confusion at the end !

Juniper And Sage

Honestly one of my favorite anime cliffhangers ever.


As a Manga reader this is the type of discussion I’ve been looking for in a Beastars reaction so glad they decided to watch


Did someone mention eggs?


Eggs for consumption are not fertilized, so the carnivores don't eat unborn baby chickens, they eat transportable uteruses filled with fat and protein. The same as Humans do

Trevor Wingard

tbf unfertilized eggs could never hatch so your not eating an actual animal. On another note, I feel so bad for Haru. Just the fact that she defaulted so quickly to offering herself to him basically tells you she has next to no experience interacting with guys in a nonsexual context. Its heartbreaking.


I feel so bad for Haru, she's obviously not used to just talking to guys, guys like taking advantage of her one way or another, and that's just really sad to me.

Juniper And Sage

Haru likes sex. And she has an entire monologue in the opening episode about how she hates the way males see her as someone weak and helpless and in need of protection, rather than someone who is actively pursuing what she wants. It's honestly kind of amazing the number of dudes who watch this, completely ignore what she says, and then express the exact same attitudes towards her as the male animals she despises.


People who have been abused in childhood also thinks it's normal and doesn't think twice about it.


Eggs are unfertilized, so they're more like periods than unborn babies. You need a rooster to have a chick. Without one you get the eggs we buy in the store. Its a little gross but thats nature. Just a little fyi from raising chickens.

Trevor Wingard

I understand liking sex; just about everybody does. But I can't imagine just defaulting straight to that on your first meeting with someone, as if there isn't any other fulfilling aspect to socializing with the opposite sex. As if to say "Let's just skip straight to the good part; the rest of this is a waste of time." Leads me to think she hasn't had many positive interactions with males outside of that. Does she even know his NAME at this point? I realize that some people treat sex as nothing more than a bodily function or fun for its own sake, and naturally people can live their lives however they want, but at least for me that rings somewhat hollow and honestly somewhat awkward. It'd be like walking up and holding hands with a stranger on the street. I'm not saying she's being taken advantage of; she's the one who initiated in this context after all. But I am saying that it seems to be an indicator of a lack of fulfilling relationships in her life, especially given that she doesn't seem to have any close female friends either.

Summer Akers

The eggs aren’t really comparable to babies.... theyre more like periods! 🤢😂

Youmu Senju

Jacob was pronouncing Haru correctly. It's Japanese, not Australian.

Youmu Senju

Biology: Yet another subject Caleb very confidently speaks on despite knowing nothing about it.


The egg color is based on the breed. It doesn't seem that complicated but there are over a dozen breed of chicken. The white eggs you see in the US are easier to mass produce in... "Uniform". Home chickens give more brown or green eggs. And the yokes are richer with a darker shade of yellow. But it depends on what you're feeding them. I think its addressed in the show later so I can't say more.

Lys Franc

Did you watch the anime or are you a troll because she's totally aware of what she's doing.

Minashiro Soushi

Hah, I almost died at the point where Caleb goes "we've got the names right now" and follows up with wrong accentuation on both Legoshi and Haru's names xD

MrShugynator .

I love the level of depth to your reactions and how you guys branch off and pose questions about the world Paru created for Beastars. IMO one of the best aspects of Beastars is that Paru DOES explore answers to questions many other anthropomorphic animal works would just ignore. But, considering how late in the story some of these simple questions about the world are answered it'd be best just to flat out say it now. These shouldn't really count as spoilers since they're just world-building and some clarifications and not plot spoilers. 1) Fish are friends not food, however ocean society is almost completely disconnected from land society and fish have a more Saṃsāra outlook on life. 2) Eggs for consumption are not unborn birds and you'll see more about it in a couple episodes. 3) Haru was out at night because she was waiting for her clothes to dry not just because she was suicidal, although herbivore suicide by carnivore is an interesting little topic explored in future seasons. 4) A Beastar is not really explained properly in the first season but it's not just a school thing which is why everyone makes a big deal about it. They are outstanding individuals chosen in school and once they graduate become something I can only describe as Nobel Peace Prize winners with actual political power. 5) Yes, Paru does cover milk production later and yes you guys are dead-on about OSHA violations. 6) The killer is just kidding that would be an actual spoiler.

Harry Connor

Trevor is right, there are lots of different things happening with Haru. Sex is just one of them. She doesnt have sex just because she likes it, its an expression beyond that. Seems to me its something she perceives as the only thing that gives her agency or power. She hates being reduced to a cute bunny that needs to be protected and it might be the case that she is deliberately defying that perception of her kind through her behaviour. Its certainly complex. Sex is healthy, theres nothing wrong with it. But Haru is clearly broken.

Karsten Hase

the 6 just killed me xD the first words i was like niooooo dooooont ...ohhhhh ... im fallen for it


I watched the entire anime, and understand that she knows what she's doing. But she's still incredibly broken. She doesn't even really know him, or his name, and yet she's resorting to giving him sex. She's used to men feeling the need to protect her, and is using sex as a way to feel control/and a coping mechanism imho.