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SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Episode 34 -

We'll be watching this show every Saturday until we've caught up! Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 As always leave us your thoughts in the comments! Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitch - https://twitch.tv/semblanceofsanity_YT Check out our website - https://semblanceofsanity.org/ Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 8151 164th Ave. NE #106-420 Redmond, WA 98052-1505



Does anyone know if the bros will be watching the Rohan OVAs after finishing part 5?


Don't think so, personally I'm not a huge fan of them anyway so I'm not too bummed.


I think they’re alright, not awful but nothing to write home about. Part of me just wants more JoJo content before we get a Part 6 adaptation. (Pls DP)


they should react to the baccano x part 5 fan opening when they're done with the part, i know they're baccano fans


........God stand, you say? (smiles wickedly) Only time will tell


Goddamn, they're really on point with the theories/predictions this week.

Bryan Rojas

I hope they watch the last two episodes back to back. Otherwise, the ending might feel confusing.

K9 Fyre

Seems like they kinda forgot that Bruno's body is completely useless with no senses and he can hardly walk.


To think freaky friday came waaaay later than this


“Happy ending for the Boss”🤔

Jermaine Tito

i really don't know what caleb is talking about with his analysis of the new op bit. does he actually think diavolo looked "concerned" about the prediction of giorno's future actions he was seeing? with that insane demonic look? also where is this "maybe there's a third personality" coming from? I'm disappointed they never really talked about the supernatural implications of his condition, outside of anything to do with stands. it's clear that even from birth, there have been two of them in one body. And I don't think either of them is as one note or one side of an extreme as they implied here. they just kind of ignore all the signalling that Doppio isn't quite so innocent because they want a heartwarming ending for him. to me that's what the point of secco was; to show how naive it is to expect instant redemption for someone who's an accomplice to so much horror


Oh damn, you're right! Freaky Friday is a Jojo's reference!


So Diavolo also has the unknown "stitching" power that seems to act as life support as evidenced by his mother. I always figured Araki was trying to make a statement of "If someone has split personalities, do they have multiple souls? If yes, if one of the souls becomes possessed by the devil, what effect does it have on the other souls in that body?" I think it's possible that Diavolo overwrote the second personality, but the soul is still there, suppressed, and so a third stand is present.

Isaiah R.

The bros are not going to be reacting to the Rohan OVAs, though they did receive a copy of Rohan at the Louvre in an unboxing so there's that.

Jermaine Tito

i think the stitching was just him using the power and precision of his stand. as for her staying alive, it might just be more to do with her husband and the curse he seemed to have transferred to her which resulted in her giving birth in the first place. I don't think Diavolo is an overwrite of a personality. I think that he was born as two people. there is no one that came first. light without, shadow within. it's his gift from fate, which allowed him to both escape suspicion and pursue the heights of his ambition, and combined with his stand makes him invincible. I truly believe that he was actually worthy of the arrow, and would have gained its power if it had properly pierced him. and I believe the reason it doesn't is because he abandoned doppio to die, sacrificing that first gift fate gave him. all of this aside: is he actually the devil? perhaps. or perhaps something very much like it. if he had not been defeated i think his ambition would have had far higher goals than just wealth and power.


SPOILERS FOR THE REST OF THE PART. I have always been really interested in Diavolo from the stand point that the multiple personality theory' is just a guess that Risotto and Polnareff have to try and explain his situation. With the heavy catholic influences an the nature of how they switch its pretty heavily alluding to the idea of possession instead of just another personality. I like to think that whatever spirit/ curse that was present within him from birth was only given real power in the form of King Crimson, the thing that gets me is that everyone's soul is visually the same their body, except for Diavolo who is just King Crimson. Spiritual possession could be a good explanation for all the stands that we see like B.I.G. and Anubis that dont need their original user to live, it could be that they were never the true stand user, and that the true user was this other entity that had always been there.


I hope they continue with the manga. They could wait for part 6 to get an anime adaption, but personally, and I'll get hate for this, the JoJo's anime adaption isn't as good as the manga.

Jermaine Tito

i definitely agree with you that it's more than JUST multiple personality disorder, but i think that it still is multiple personality disorder at the core of it despite the supernatural influence that is heightening it and pushing it past the precedence of real life. I don't think Diavolo is King Crimson specifically because King Crimson is destroyed and seemingly unusable by Diavolo at the end of the part. (since we're getting into spoilers). It definitely seems like King Crimson itself was allowed to die, while it user was not.


Depends on which part you’re talking about Imo, if you’re talking about part 4 then I’d say Manga > Anime, but if you’re talking about part 5, I’d say Anime > Manga. I can hear the pitchforks coming already, but it’s just how I feel.

Medunuuu (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-21 21:10:06 It’s a little different since I’m sure you’ve been able to watch the opening more than several times & even research about Diavolo . People forget these guys analyze things on the spot, they aren’t researching things like others usually do. & everything in op’s happen so fast, y’all need to get off your high horse
2020-06-21 18:45:36 It’s a little different since I’m sure you’ve been able to watch the opening more than several times & even research about Diavolo . People forget these guys analyze things on the spot, they aren’t researching things like others usually do. & everything in op’s happen so fast, y’all need to get off your high horse

It’s a little different since I’m sure you’ve been able to watch the opening more than several times & even research about Diavolo . People forget these guys analyze things on the spot, they aren’t researching things like others usually do. & everything in op’s happen so fast, y’all need to get off your high horse

Jermaine Tito

I know they're reacting in the moment, but this particular theory was one caleb tossed out while frame-by-framing the new op during the discussion. so uh, he was literally going back and analyzing it and coming out with some weird stuff. not to mention that shot of giorno's stand rush has been in every episode since 22.


personally i find the manga art really hard to follow and understand what is happening, except part 7 and 8

Derrick C. Shields

This is a really good response/analysis and I agree with it completely. The only thing I'd like to say is that ever since reading the manga, I've also believed that Doppio and Diavolo had been present since birth, but all I've ever heard from other people is that Diavolo was "created" to deal with issues that arose for Doppio, a la Shinobu Sensui from YuYu Hakusho. Maybe I'm just blind to JoJo discourse, but you're the first person I've seen independently reach that since-birth conclusion and I'm just glad I'm not crazy. Also, yeah, the bros discussions really do range from the good kind of correct predictions, the good kind of wrong predictions, and, well... "If you look at these couple of frames during the OP, you can see a triangle with what looks like an eyeball inside it, and I think this proves Diavolo is Illuminati and his group is the villain of part 6..." Maybe a little exaggerated, but y'know.

Derrick C. Shields

Questionnaire to be answered upon completion of part 5: Question 1. Do you believe in gravity?

Jermaine Tito

i think both of those theories can be right, actually. they were both present since birth and one of them existed as a defense mechanism for the other since birth. I think of them both as two people and as one person, at the same time. they are different versions of the same man, one who deals with their insecurity by serving the other, and one who deals with his insecurity by pursuing endless ambition, dominance, and eternal pleasure.