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SOS Bros React - Hajime No Ippo Season 2 Episode 14 -

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Fun fact Taka means Hawk.


Takamura is a natural Heavy so to fight Hawk he needs to lose 40 pounds at this time period. He was normally fighting at Middleweight, but only the Jr Middle Champion was interested in fighting him.

Bryan Rojas

Takamura vs Hawk hype!

Shin splits

I don’t think Takamura is a natural heavyweight he’s normally 90kg they said so he’s about 198 so he would be a cruiser weight naturally but no doubt he can fight ag heavyweight.

Shin splits

It’s crazy to think Takamura is normally 198 lbs when he’s not trying to lose weight for a fight. Junior middleweight or light middleweight is maximium 154 lbs which is absolutely insane that he’s dropping 40 lbs to fight.


Oh I thought it was said he was a natural Heavy Weight.

Minashiro Soushi

Especially considering they are doing it the old-school way in this show, with extreme dehydration and stuff, which is nowadays known to be life-threatening (due to blood clots I think). Ugh.