Space Dandy Replacement Poll
- Given 180
- Hibike Euphonium 238
- K-On! 401
- Love Live! 97
- Nana 161
- Zombieland Saga 515
We're coming up on the end of Space Dandy!! As such we'll be getting this poll done in advance so we all know what's coming next.
This poll is music themed!
Vote for ANY AND ALL shows that you would like to see us react to! We always take note of which shows get plenty of votes, but don't win. Whichever gets the most votes we will release early access reactions on the Friday when Space Dandy's final episode goes public.
NOTE: Love Live will be both the School Idol Project and Sunshine series. Jacob has seen a few episodes of Nana and K-On!
Thank you all so much for your continued generous support!
If you don't recognize a show, check out the AniList links below: