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Haikyuu Season 4 Episode 16 Full Length

Edited Reaction/Discussion Link: https://youtu.be/HYjsufvkm-g



One of my favorite things about Tanakas moment is that it's not a logical revelation. He doesn't think about the power of nakama, or learns to forgive his previous mistakes. Instead he simply looks up at the giant craggy mountain and says "Well, nowhere to go but up". Which is the purest possible demonstration of the willpower it takes to overcome the pressure he was under.


Kanoka's heartbroken causes is not kiyoko. Kanoka realize Tanaka is too honest too devote too straight to volleyball, so she felt defeated by volleyball not kiyoko because he has no space for girl. In Japan, compare different something is normal. for example, job or familiy, study or girl, sport club or something, like that.

Merk Mesni

Jacob saying that tanaka should be benched threw me off :/


That's not entirely accurate, while it is a common trope, and a hypothetical interpretation. The suggestion that her realizing that Tanaka is genuine in everything he says, and what that means for their prior interaction has more evidence to support it.

Merk Mesni

I mean, I get that but this is haikyuu. Jacob should know these characters :3. Benching Tanaka just like that is like benching Bokuto in the emo mode; which should make things worse for the player. I dont know, just really threw me off ;3


Sorry I'm 3 weeks late, but what you mean to say is that she saw their previous interactions as romantic, but really it was just Tanaka being passionate as he always is?