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SOS Bros React - Dorohedoro Episode 11 - En-Chanter-ing Backstory

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jonluke santillana

Y'all must really love this show if you're doing the OVA's fingers crossed for season 2!


One more episode until we're done with Dorohedoro's prologue


Season 2 will probably come when Mappa finishes AoT or Jujutsu Kaisen.


Yep, guy who writes the Script for Dorohedro is the one doing AOT season Final, and Jyujyutsukaisen. Hes also got "Sprigan" new netflix anime show, so might take more than a year sadly.


I don't know what that means since I didn't read the manga, but hope we get a season 2 so that we get to the "real story" (post prologue).


The first season really just puts the general idea of the world they live in into place, presents a majority of the important characters (we haven't seen all of them just yet, though a few more get teased). We end up with more questions at the end of the season than what we first started with and nothing really gets resolved, though we do get some elements of answer. Also, it's past that point that the story really kicks into another gear. If you thought stuff was weird and wild at times, it gets much better than this, while staying true to itself. But yeah, I hope for a second season as well!