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Attack on Titan Season 4 Episode 8 Full Length

Edited Reaction/Discussion: COMING SOON



Sasha spared Gabi and it cost her life. Jean spared Falco and it saved his life. Isayama you're a genius. An evil, twisted genius.


IDK how Jean sparing Falco saves his life but can't wait to see it (please no spoilers)


uhhh Falco tackled Gabi as she was shooting at his head. Made her barely miss


Let´s goo

AlexXis Amadeus

Take a moment to pay attention to Sasha's words in that brief flashback. "It'll be Okay. Once we take our land back, we'll raise more sheep and cattle!" Then think about what Zeke said, and everything that's happened. Also, there's a few obvious reasons for why Eren has done all of this, but there's some less obvious ones you might be able to guess from that tortured look on his face... If this shit ain't some fuckin' P O E T R Y, then I'm Edgar Allan Poe.

Loro Lukic

Really dissapointed at how the manga community hated Gabi for this.


You don't think anime only will hate her even more. Child taking revenge against people who came to destroy her reality and how she see it. That is Gabi.

Loro Lukic

@Thamor since day one all the discussion hyping Gabi to be this absolute terrible person and/or character in general. It's not that my expectations were ruined per say but just disappointment really. "Is that it? Seriously?" The fact that people are in the mindset of teams like "us" vs "them" defeats the whole purpose of this season I think. We're just spectators not viewers anymore. I could go on for ages but if the dialogue was ripped straight from the manga this episode, it's pretty much the author telling the viewers "look at what Eren did, it's his fault Sasha died, even he knows it, look."


Yea I know the bros will probably be one of the few reactors who truly understands too which is frustrating..


But Jean didn't spare Falco, Jean hesitated for a split second but he ultimately shot him. It was Piek's steam that saved Falco.


He also had an inner monologue right after where he questioned if the steam made him miss or if he missed subconsciously.


Tbf People didn't really care for Gabi or the other kids since there were month long chapters in between so when she did this as soon as Sasha came back it's kinds understandable. The anime does a MUCH better job at getting the audience to like Gabi and Falco etc..


i was already so far on our main characters side cause i didnt wait this many years to switch now but now gabbi has put it in stone i hope of of marly BURNS


He questioned whether his aim was off or if it was the steam that made him miss, and it's plainly obvious that the only reason the thunder spear didn't hit Falco is because of Piek's steam. It was ambiguous in the manga, but the anime made it crystal clear, for better or worse.

Loro Lukic

@Ricardo if he didn't hesitate for even a second later the missile would have hit before the steam came out.


Thats funny that you call me that even though your the one being unreasonably rude for no reason at all oh well be rude all you want i don't care cause I'm not a child like you


@Loro Lukic Jean thought Piek was done and he was going for the finishing blow disregarding that Falco was standing there. So Jean didn't "spare Falco", he shot with the intention to kill and it was Piek that saved him.