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RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 10 Timer Reaction

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Bill Sutherby

I personally have to see what they do with Oscar/Ozpin's magic from here out before I feel like I can decide how I feel about it. They've established the risks and the stakes of Oscar using this magic; that is, it will hasten the process of their souls merging. Now they've used the McGuffin once in an emergency and Ozpin magi-nuked the whale and Salem to buy them time. And for now, it seems like Oscar is still separate from Oz. But I think any more use of magic and there needs to be a price paid by Oscar. When that explosion went off, I legit thought Oscar killed himself along with Hazel and Salem, knowing that Ozpin will be reborn later. But that didn't happen. So I can kinda look past this one use of the magic plot device, but there needs to be some consequences here on out

Coryn Silver

I don't think it was Magic at all, its just energy that the came stored up that he released.

James Bailey

I'm a bit confused here. They want Salem to come back and actually do something? Hasn't she been commanding her army to tear apart Ironwood's army? We visually saw a lot of dead bodies and one of his capital ships get ripped apart in the last episode. In this one, we have some screens that show some unit icons are lit up while others are dark. To me, that looks like what units are confirmed dead/lost. He's lost multiple capital ships, (looks like he only has 3 left) about 8 Palidans left, and at least half his human soldiers are dead. Saying that Salem hasn't been really anything means that neither has Ironwood since they both have been commanding their armies.

Brandon Pierce-Carlton

Yeah I don't think the power in the cane was magic. I think it was literally just what Oscar said, kinetic energy stored up over potentially thousands of years. He said he released most of it which is why the explosion was so meaty.

Jon Whitehead

Apparently the show outright stating it was minor kinetic energy being stored over lifetimes isn't enough for you to understand it wasn't magic. Oz specifically let Oscar use the energy so they wouldn't fuse faster.

Jon Whitehead

Yeah that's pretty strange. Salem has done quite a lot, she's heavily depleted Atlas Military personnel. Unless of course they mean doing things directly to the main cast, which eh.

skyler peters

Dunno how relevant it even is, but we can't say Salem has played all her cards when we haven't even seen a single flying beringal, we'll totally have a big bad witch return moment where she absolutely wrecks with a brand new swarm of powerful grimm.

David J Moore

We've not seen much of the damage she's incurred, but she's been decimating Atlas' army forces. We've seen her Grimm taking entire ships out of the sky.

Megan Saunders

I think something to keep in mind is that Ironwood doesn't know that Oscar is still alive / Oz is back. The last time Ironwood saw Oscar, he shot him off the edge of the platform in the Maiden's Chamber, to fall down an endless pit. Oscar wasn't with the group that went to the military headquarters for the launch codes - he was with Yang, Ren, and Jaune in Mantle. Plus, the last time Ironwood saw Oscar, Oz was still locked away in Oscar's head. Ironwood doesn't have any reason to believe that Oz did that to the whale Grimm and Salem.


omfg this is officaly my favorite episode they made yet i thought last weeks was my fav but this has beat even that god im loving this show more and more i really am sad that people hate this show even if they might not be following the original direction exactly the way monty might have wanted this show has totally grabed every bit of my attention cause the way this show is going right now is SUUUCH a good direction in my opinion im so fucking excited for next week's ep


late on this point but the World of Remnant (the BTS) book specifically mentiones that Ozpin didn't kill Cinder because she already had the full maiden powers and he was worried the power would transfer to Salem as the person in Cinder's final thoughts (which would allow Salem to unlock beacon's relic and since she can't die the power could never be ripped from her)