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SOS Bros React - Yuu Yuu Hakusho Episode 29 - Kurama Kicks Ass!

Shiiiit. Don't threaten our boi's mom. Not only will he kill you, but it will be painful (and stylish!) Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 Follow us on Twitch: www.twitch.tv/SemblanceofSanity_YT Mondays @ 3 pm PDT: Podcast Tuesdays @ 3 pm PDT: Grand Blue manga reaction Wednesdays @ 3pm PDT: Caleb Stream Thursdays @ 3 pm PDT: Jacob Gaming Fridays @ 3 pm PDT: Jacob Gaming What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Support us on Patreon - https://patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOS... Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 6830 NE Bothell Way, Ste C 483 Kenmore, WA 98028



I actually cant wait for yall to see this whole arc

jack karvaski

Look forward to these every week, thanks guys!


Can we get two (2) episodes a week? Please.


Yeah, despite being soft spoken and the brains of the group, Kurama is a total badass. This was set up back in Maze Castle when Kurama volunteered to fight Genbu, the stone beast, by himself. Hiei said: “Obivously, you are underestimating Kurama. Do you know why I chose him to be my partner? To avoid fighting him myself. Watch. He’s more cutthroat than I am when it comes to battle, and unbelievably precise.“


Yea without it they’ll take forever to finish and I can’t stand the wait just for it to be over so quickly lol

Eleonora Witzky

The exchange at the end of Roto's fight ("You believe in mercy, don't you?" "No.") is probably my favorite Kurama moment

Iejir Isk

Kuwabara scared his enemy enough... and... Kurama... Hiei did say he didn't want to fight him. Also, to be fair, he WAS just gonna kill him cleanly in a single blow.


Not only is Kurama THE most dangerous person on team Urameshi, he is the only one that Yuske never fights.


God I love Kurama - the ultimate inspiration for Kurapika. We have the cleverest team member immobilizing his opponent just like Uvo was, and using the ability to will an instant death as well. Not to mention they each have a whip and "Kura" is in both their names. I can't help but feel the only differences between the two is their setting and Kurama being much older.