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SOS Bros React - Yuu Yuu Hakusho Episode 38 - Decisive and Divisive

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Jack Marshal

Yes but ninjas are cautious are they not, and karama already on many occasions has shown how dangerous he can be even without a weapon, even in the tournament, for all toya knows instead of being defenseless he goes to attack and dies anyway


Unfortunately I think Jacob ruined his own enjoyment of this episode. Like Caleb said it’s a nitpick of maybe a couple of seconds. Everything pretty much made sense for what Toya was doing based on what we know about Kurama. I don’t even really think it’s a matter of suspending ones disbelief


Yeah I gotta agree with the other commenters that Jacob sadly ruined the episode for himself. Cause for 1. I’m pretty sure Toya didn’t make the ice arena to slow down Kurama, it was to show his strength for the viewers that he can even do that and possibly enhance his own abilities. 2. Toya was simply scared/very hesitant to fight Kurama in close range, he thought it’d be an easy kill and just use his ranged abilities. Cause what happened to his friend that got close to Kurama? He became mincemeat. But once he sees that Kurama is still too nimble he goes in for the kill. I think Jacob is over analyzing this fight way too much lol

Joe Finn

true, the reason he was defeated is BECAUSE he went in close range. Jacob also thought the movement restriction was still in effect even tho they showed and mentioned that it wore off.


Touya says outright that covering the ring in ice improves his attacks. Its a hint that he doesn't intend to show mercy.


Additionally, he didn't realize that his attacks weren't making direct hits initially. Once he figured it out, that's when he realized that Kurama is old and very experienced in spite of looking like a 14 year old human.


Toya thought he'd be able to win easily because of the seals. Kurama asked a question straight away that was clearly something Toya was longing for someone to ask. Toya answered the question and when Karama tried to keep the conversation going Toya attacked. Could he have won if attacked instead of answering the question? Probably, assuming the seal restricting Kurama's movement was still active. I think it shows how much that dream meant to Toya that he wanted people to know about it. The irony is that him sharing his dream lead to him potentially losing that dream unless his team comes through for him. Also, don't forget that ninja don't have to be ruthless killers who take unfair advantages whenever they can. The team leader of the ninjas declined to fight when the committee came in and gave him an unfair advantage. I actually like that you analyzed is so much though. Creates some good discussion around that part of the fight! I just think you're overlooking how important that question from Kurama must have been for him to not take the shot straight away.


Enjoyed the discussion. I fall somewhere in the middle here, but I do get Jacob's frustration. This is a shonen manga from the 90s though so you have got to have bit of leeway with plot contrivances I feel.

Iejir Isk

I mean, the "big guy" is the one that tried to put a hand on the leader's shoulder, and the leader (don't recall if they said name) told him to back the f' off.


Me: can't watch the ep yet but decided to check out the few comments these vids get... Sees drama happening. "Oh no, someone finally had a criticism and the fans are backlashing DX". Update: Yeah, Touya went from cocky to overly cautious and then back to cockiness in a weird arc that ultimately led to his defeat. I do find it pretty minor, but I understand the frustration too.


Yea this was another thing. Yea Toya mentioned not letting his teammates sacrifice be in vain, but they've already proven to not be a tight nit group with that interaction between Bakuken and the leader.