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Vivy Fluorite Eye's Song Episode 1 Full Length

Edited Reaction/Discussion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXMZB3Nc7Y8


Inverse Voltage

I started watching this anime when it first came out, but I only got partway through episode three. I was watching it along with another reaction channel, but I just lost interest(there were a lot of other animes released that season.) But this time, I will definitely be keeping up with it and watching every week. I feel like this is going to be a good show for discussions which I don't usually watch, but probably will for this show. Something that I have thought about a lot that I want to bring up tying in to real life is this; If we ever invent a fully functioning AI like these ones in Vivy, or like the ones from I, Robot or Sword Art Online, I don't know if we will learn from the mistakes that film and fiction have taught us. I honestly do not think that people will be smart enough to limit an AI such that it does not end up deciding that Humanity would be better off not existing. I really think it would be better for us to not even attempt to make autonomous AI and not rely on technology to work for us. I believe that we, as humans, will live more fulfilling lives doing manual labor ourselves, be that mental or physical(office jobs or blue collar jobs). Humans have a "mission" as well. "Be fruitful and multiply, and subdue the Earth and all living creatures therein." In other words, we're supposed to use the resources on this planet to make our lives easier, but trying to create intelligence is the same as trying to play God, which has never turned out well for anyone. Not trying to get too religious on anyone reading this, just sharing my views on the whole "AIs should have rights" theoretical arguement. If you did read this far, thank you, and please respond. I would be interested to hear others' opinions on this matter.
