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Bluff Oranzova

I love Pucci as a villain so much and this episode taps into that hard. Of course, introducing his “””friendship””” with Dio. It especially highlights he believes Unconditional Love is meant as a reward for those who reach Heaven. Yet Pucci believes he deserves to be first in line, everyone else will be given grace afterwards, if they survive getting in his way.

Bluff Oranzova

Also, its pretty important to note this dual belief Pucci holds is embellished in his stand having a separate personality and voice to his own and also having a greater range than most combat stands of his power.


I wonder how long the wait will be now, aagghhh.


So Japanese speaker here, the translation is correct, but it is confusing. When translated the phrase is "unconditional love is the reward to go to heaven", but I think Araki meant to say be "unconditional love is the act taken to achieve the reward that is heaven". Saying this in Japanese is really long, and while grammatically correct is semantically uncool. I think Araki made the sentence shorter under the hope that readers would get the implied meaning. Also Pucci is making a point that partaking in unconditional love to go to heaven is contradictory. People who partake in unconditional love to go to heaven, are not loving unconditionally. They are loving under the condition that doing so will take them to heaven.

Saleem Ali

There's something hilarious about a stand trying to shoot a gun lol

Leaky Peach

This is really cool! I kinda wish a mod would point this out to them so that they can have further insight into Pucci.

James Ancester

it seems so obvious but when I looked back to all previous stand encounters, Whitesnake is the first stand to actually use a gun (apart from Sex Pistols and The Emporer but those don't really count)