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SOS Bros React - Castlevania Season 2 Episode 3 -

What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! 00:00 Intro 01:34 Reaction 12:18 Discussion Check out Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 Follow us on Twitch: @SemblanceofSanity_YT Mondays @ 3 pm PST: Podcast Tuesdays @ 3 pm PST: Dramatic Manga Reading Stream Wednesdays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Thursdays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Fridays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Support us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOSBros Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 6830 NE Bothell Way, Ste C 483 Kenmore, WA 98028 sos bros semblance of sanity castlevania episode 7 reaction


Jesse Nkinsi

Dracula's voice actor is amazing.

Adam Pajor

Poor little Godbrand...

Christopher Cuenca

I agree with both this was one of those animated shows where I thought English dubbing just felt so fluid and natural probably bc of the animation style too but still !!

Charles Sgnt

Little GodBrand and his little noises. What a line, what a delivery

Youmu Senju

Sad moment, talking about Trevor's past, and his ruined family home, and you're trying to be funny and make sex jokes. About a child. This was Trevor as a child that you're making sex jokes about. I respectfully ask that you please attempt to make more of an effort to think before you speak and speak less about sex stuff. You have a mixed audience, and it can be extremely off-putting to use some of this humor. Especially while Trevor is talking about his tree fort from when he was a child, and seeing how it's burnt and dead. Like, this is absolutely not the time for you to try to be funny. Okay?


Why are you taking it so personal? Just relax! Some of you guys get triggered over the most dumbest shit…


If their jokes got you this upset then I think it is time to go outside to get some fresh air and touch some grass


They can watch the show however they like. Imagine having to walk on eggshells when you're watching a TV show with your friends

K. Unknown

I respectfully ask you to stay away from shit that you're going to get mad and preachy about rather than actually enjoy. These are characters. They are not actual people. This is not a child. This is colors on a screen and voice work from a recording studio and excellent writing. This is literally not a real child. The bros joke about a lot of things, including really dark ones. You know what got me through the worst of a long, long period of sexual trauma in my life? Being able to laugh at, or around, completely awful shit. You have no right to tell other people when it is or isn't the time for them to "try to be funny". Neither do I. There isn't such a time. In one's personal life, one learns what kind of thing is going to hurt or upset friends accidentally and then tries to keep that kind of thing away from that friend, but this isn't personal, this is content created by very specific people for anyone who generally likes how they discuss things, including humor. What do you mean by "a mixed audience", exactly? Are there audiences somewhere that DON'T contain a mixture of people with differing experiences, trauma or lack of trauma, taste in [insert any aspect of fiction, reaction, or discussion here]? Or is it "what if someone gets triggered by this?" Because it sucks to be traumatized and have shit set you off but not everyone handles these things the same way. You're a sentient being. It is your responsibility to decide what content to consume. It is also your responsibility not to speak for a whole lot of potential people as though you represent them all, when you actually represent either no one specific apart from yourself, or an ideology that has nothing to do with your own experiences at all. Either way this is not useful or constructive behavior like, at all. You know what upset me enough that in another era, I might've called it "triggering", if a bit mildly? You did, when you spoke for me, and potentially other people like me. You don't speak for me. You don't speak for anyone but you. You are on a goddamned Patreon right now. You ought to have some idea what you were getting into BEFORE throwing money at it, and if you don't want to be here, literally nothing is stopping you from going somewhere else. This is not a righteous crusade. You are not fixing the world by telling two guys on the internet who have fun watching things and sometimes go really dark with their own humor to radically change how they interact with media. At best, you make them feel shitty for a few minutes for the crime of.... I guess joking about imaginary people incorrectly, in your eyes? And at worst, you're trying to rob actual people with trauma of the agency to have their own responses to people joking about that kind of thing, either because your trauma has lead you to the typical mind fallacy, or you're coloring by the numbers according to some ideology completely separate from your own issues which was created by other people who live and breathe the typical mind fallacy, while acting like you're defending the objectively correct way for content creators to engage with fiction. And either way, you seem awfully confident that you're the only person with a valid take on this. Somehow I doubt this is rare for you. Look, as soon as the things you're saying can be relatively comfortably slotted into the 'fallacy' department, and as soon as the way you're talking about fiction is making people who were severely sexually abused feel erased by an overly black-and-white worldview, maybe it's time to take stock of just what the hell you're doing with your life. *This was edited a few minutes after it was originally posted because I accidentally sent it before I had finished writing the whole thing

Roger Metheny

holy fuck k unknown. that might be the single most well worded teardown of a dumbass on the internet that i've ever seen. props to you. and sorry to hear you had to go through the stuff you went through

Youmu Senju

@K. Unknown Lewl. Nothing you said was respectful. You sure did get worked up about something that has nothing to do with you and doesn't affect you in any way. Same for the other folks who got mad about it. If you can't deal with opinions you don't share, then that is entirely a you problem.

Nijae Williams

Oh please you’re doing a lot for literally no reason. Trevor didn’t mention his age at the home until minutes after the tree scene. It was a harmless joke and i’m pretty sure if he would’ve mentioned his age before-hand they wouldn’t have made the joke. You clearly don’t watch them enough to know they wouldn’t make a malicious statement regarding underage people on purpose. Stop spending your money and go on elsewhere.

Nijae Williams

And then you reply to K. Unknown by saying they’re worked up over something that has nothing to do with them when you literally did the same thing over a tree joke. You’re despicable.

K. Unknown

Youmu, why the hell would I have said anything respectful to you? The first line of my post was sarcastically calling out how disrespectful you were to the bros while trying to hide behind that "I respectfully ask you to [etc]" nonsense. You opened with a lie about respect as you behaved disrespectfully, then followed it up by saying many things that are not worth respecting. And it's even clearer that there's nothing worth respecting about you NOW, with how deep the grave you just dug was. Like, really, this was all it took for the facade to crumble and you to immediately say incredibly hypocritical stuff? That's it? One person being right in a way that you couldn't talk your way out of by continuing to pretend to be knowledgeable about topics you're clearly not knowledgeable about at all? Do you actually think anyone is going to interpret that response to my post as some sort of victory on your part? There are literally already comments from people who see it for the admission of total failure that it really is. You blew some grievance you had WAY out of proportion in an attempt to control how others express themselves, which was INCREDIBLY disrespectful to them and to people like me, all over a joke someone cracked about FICTION, and then when someone took a minute aside to actually take down your nonsense in a detailed way, you immediately disengaged from the actual topic and then pretended to be too cool to care about it, or whatever that pathetic attempt to deflect was supposed to be. This is embarrassingly classic troll behavior. I have been learning how people like you operate for more than half my life, and I am in my 30s. This started because YOU got worked up about something that may or may not have anything to do with you, but your post DOES affect me - that was literally half of the point of my response. You affected me, a person who's been through some awful shit, survived, and moved on with my life, by spouting your ridiculous and frankly pro-censorship bullshit, and it's entirely possible that other people who didn't have the time, energy, or words to express feeling bad about this are also here. So I decided to be the person who DID speak my mind, since I am more than capable of doing so. So of course I was worked up over this. Your original post was something worth being worked up over. It's also very familiar how you pretended to be emotionally invested during your original post, but then once people started expressing actual feelings and beliefs, you acted as if being emotionally invested makes someone ridiculous. But that's literally what you were doing when this began. I originally assumed that you were doing something adjacent to concern trolling about a topic that you might actually have opinions on (even if those opinions were unfortunately very dumb and corrosive). But it's now very clear to everyone that this was just full-on trolling, since you've literally openly discarded the pretense that any of this actually mattered to you. It is legitimately hilarious seeing you say "If you can't deal with opinions you don't share, then that is entirely a you problem" when this happened because you decided your own opinion was the only one that mattered, and one of the main things I had to say to YOU was that if you can't deal with this, that's your problem, so stop making it other people's problem too. Nothing I say here will get through to you, of course, and that's actually fine. I didn't expect my original post to get through to you either. I read that post through and that was all I needed to know about you, because I've seen thousands of you on the internet literally dating back to the early 00s. Some of you actually mean the stupid things you say even though you turn to troll maneuvers when challenged, and some of you probably haven't meant a word you've said in to anyone in years. You're everywhere and you all pull from the same tired old troll deck of turns of phrase and contradictory statements that you think will make you look like you won somehow. My post literally was not for you and neither is this one. These posts are for people who are actually interested in thinking about things, for people who are interested in behaving like human beings, for people who are harmed far more by your toxic bullshit than by someone cracking a dark joke (about CASTLEVANIA of all shows), and for myself, because I'm a person your toxic bullshit harmed. That's the one sliver of trolling success you found - while pretending to care an inexplicably large amount about an imaginary person, you DID manage to slightly harm a REAL person in a way that made a few minutes of my day worse, although frankly the opportunity to take you down has been satisfying enough that I've come out of this, in total, feeling better than I would have if you'd never posted in the comments of this video at all. So... thanks, actually, I guess? Despite your attempts to control and de-legitimize others, my day has ended up being better thanks to you. So yeah, that's really all there is to say about any of this. Thanks to the folks leaving supportive comments, I appreciate it a lot. I probably won't comment on this topic further, since beyond this point I'll just be feeding the troll needlessly, and what I wanted was for a detailed exploration of how stupid and shitty that original post was to just sort of exist, which it now does. The thing is, I definitely have the free time and energy to take somebody down on the internet, but two relatively in-depth posts is usually the maximum amount of time and energy I'm willing to expend for any individual stupid person on the internet. All that aside - this was another great reaction from Jacob and Caleb as usual, really hyped to see their responses and thoughts about the rest of the series. Reaction videos (not the bros, I don't recall who it was originally - I think it was YaBoyRoshi but it's been a while so I'm not sure anymore) are actually what convinced me to watch Castlevania in the first place when as a long time fan of the games I had originally sort of expected... the usual crappy TV or film take on games that we generally get, not realizing we were entering a period when we'd just be handed solid gold like Castlevania and Arcane practically out of nowhere, so any Castlevania reaction has a special place in my heart, and really good and entertaining ones are even better.