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00:00 Intro 02:29 Reaction 16:27 Discussion Buy Jacob's sci-fi novel Battle Lines here: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Lines-Jacob-I-Wolcott/dp/1733753508/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1559663589&sr=1-2 What did you think of the episode? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! Follow us on Twitch: @SemblanceofSanity_YT Mondays @ 3 pm PST: Jacob Gaming Tuesdays @ 3 pm PST: Jacob Gaming Wednesdays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Thursdays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Fridays @ 3 pm PST: Caleb Gaming Support us on Patreon - https://patreon.com/semblanceofsanity Follow us on Twitter - https://twitter.com/semblancebros Check out our MyAnimeList - https://myanimelist.net/animelist/SOS... Send us stuff at our P.O. Box: Semblance of Sanity 6830 NE Bothell Way, Ste C 483 Kenmore, WA 98028


jonluke santillana

I think he hit them as an obnoxious way to get them all in the same spot for a mass heal

Honor Rosenfeld

I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but the line Miranjo's mother has about "building your happiness off of the happiness of others" is not as sinister as you two think. She didn't mean that you should trample over others to become happy. She meant that by making others happy you will increase your own happiness. This belief is why she continued to help the people of Houma even as they deceived her.


The breath in the OP is exactly what gets at me before these last episodes.


Yeah, it was already discussed at length previously that they know exactly what the mother meant when she said it. They just like to joke about how it can be taken the wrong way by Miranjo for laughs and giggles.

Jack Stiles

As far as why it took him so long to show up, I think it was more coming to terms to directly cross Miranjo, he didn't want those who served him to die and had to resolve that in himself before he left the cell.