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SOS Bros React - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 Episode 35 -

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The time for Heaven is here

Jake Gonzales

**Repost** **Spoilers maybe** I'm not sure if a mod will see this, but I have a suggestion. After they have reacted to the final episode, you should have them read the afterword that Araki wrote for the final volume of part six. It basically shows his thoughts on the ending and the series as a whole. You can find a transcript on the jojowiki here: jojowiki.com/Shueisha_Comic_Bunko#Translation in the 'Afterwords' sections. I highly recommend anyone else who hasn't read this before to do so as well.

Christopher Ross

Jolyne was already my favorite JoJo personally but this episode cemented it for me


"Got nuts Araki, we're ready." Remember these words.

The Ceasless


Zander Handler

Now we all know how DIO felt. "It's the same type of stand as C-Moon."


I really like how they build up to Pucci getting time powers by giving him gravity powers because one way to manipulate time is just by using really strong gravity.