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Slime 2x19 discussion


Gevin Tipsword

aw yes the fire episodes are coming now heck yea


Slime is fun even if its battles are badly animated 😆


If there is one thing I am disappointed with this episode is that they did not show Sokka and her teams moment of cool. In the novel the battle starts with Sokka and her crew assassinating captains and other command officers throwing the army into confusion by shattering the chain of commands. also the pits were prepared in advance and the covered with a a thick layer of stone created by the orcs earth magic that they than shattered. As you summarized the this was orchestrated it also works because their opponent is a monster army that came to slaughter civilians and left behind weak forces, they were not planing on a army vs army battle so in combination with them being monsters that are proud of their strength they had no countermeasures set up. This would not work as well on a Human(dwarven) army as they use Legion Magics to set up protective barriers around to protect the forces from magic and even to impede projectile attacks ... its why Rimmuru went with concentrated sunlight - its not something that is usually used in battle so almost no one has any protection against that set up. Born Leader allows Benimaru to completely grasp and control his own energy and strength, as well as the abilities, strengths and character of his subordinates ... it also has Predictive Calculation, giving him almost precognition when it comes to the flow of battle, and also allowing him to adjust quickly when new info comes in, which he can get from all his subordinates Its bonkers One thing to consider also is that in this world Individual Quality >> Quantity We have seen this in the show multiple times - Benimaru, Shion and Hakuro rampaging through the orc army but then being unable to defeat the orc Lord. Charibdis - Rimuru and his allied forces spend hours to only for Millim to one shot it. Benimaru and the otheres slaughtering the 100 knights at the barrier generators with ease. So strategically while the army situation was in their favor army vs army ... there were basically 3 spots of concern with individials strong enough to possibly cause issues - Yamza at the vanguard command, The clowns in the forest (they were never meant to be in the army not sure why the anime felt the need to add them, does not fit the MO, nor does it fir Phobios line or the fact that there is no report about someone breaking out from the trap - small thing) and the powerful individual (midray) surrounded by strong fighters at the rear. Bennimaru could order them to concentrate on one at a time ... but that would leave the army vulnerable to potentially massive damage ... in addition as you guessed realizing how the 3 Beastketear would behave checking all of them and giving them the appropriate support would allow him to finish the Army battle while getting a better grip on in which order they need to be dealt with A small note in the Novel Alvis goes to confront Yamza with a squad not alone she is the Benimaru of the Beast Alliance. she is not that unaware of military realities unlike her full battle maniac comrades. :D


My man wrote an essay.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

A good one. Though I'd also like to point out that if this is what you consider an essay, then I worry about your reading capabilities. I've never understood the point of this "insult." Instead, to me, it says more about the person who says that than about the one who wrote said "essay."


It's just a statement of observation. A lot of people see a very long posts like this (aka an "essay") and skip reading it. That's all I meant. Derive whatever meaning you'd like from that.