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Due to copyright issues, Utena will be at least several hours late today. Will get it up as soon as possible. Thanks for being patient!!


Marta Kira Ayanami

I see. Thanks for immediately informing us all.

James Peter Perrone Jefferies

Funny, I didn't know they were strict like that on hidden/private videos. How does that even work? Is it an automatic system?


The reaction/discussion videos that gets uploaded to yt isn't hidden or private. so those can get copyright claim. they just shows there 1 week later than in here.

James Peter Perrone Jefferies

I get that, but it means they are somehow hidden for 1 week on yt right? I wonder which video got the strike, the Patreon one or the yt one.


No doubt it's the YT one, as it's the one that actually shows footage in the reaction portion. If I had to guess it's a visual that went on slightly too long or even just a small clip that got picked up. Nozomi's usually pretty ok with this stuff, tho, so I wonder if it might be some third party.


Even if it's hidden it gets reviewed by YT's systems.