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bocchi 1x7 yt + reaction


jonluke santillana

The show doesn't frame it this way but I kinda agree with Jacob the jokes the parents made were maybe a bit harsh to say in front of the first friends their daughter has made


I know it's supposed to be cute and funny, but every time I see the parents embarrass Bocchi like that it get me really annoyed at them.


I'm with Jacob on this one lol But I can see Caleb's points as well. It's really depends on the vibe of the room and people. If it's done right, it can be such fun and wholesome for everyone.

blue snivy

i guess it depends on the person like some people just gain more confidence based how their parent act, i personally was happy with my mother was pretty normal, enough space and knew when to interject


I don't think the parents did anything too egregious. It was brought up that Bocchi was going into her internal world a lot this episode and stayed there awhile and I partly think that is due to the fact Bocchi was at home where she is most comfortable, more often than not I believe it was actually the parents who snapped her back into reality so she could keep interacting with her friends in a positive way. I think I remember hearing something about how Bocchi's dad was introverted as well, so him bringing up making friends up could easily be because that's what he did as a kid. There is a reason that his mind went there. I don't think there was any malicious intent at all. Now as was pointed out near the end intent isnt necessary, but I think in this specific context intent does matter.

Jordan Wu

In my experience, parents bashing and teasing their child in that kind of situation is absolutely what I would expect. My parents and some of my friend's parents do the very same thing and I remember specifically my parents calling me out in front of my friends when I was younger. I'm told by my parents that it's 1: to test to see if my friends know me, 2: to get me to laugh at myself, 3: to see if my friends can accept me for who I am, and 4: because it's funny. There might also be a cultural aspect to it. Personally speaking, I notice that a great number of Asian parents love bashing on their kids in front of guests and because of that I didn't think anything was wrong with the scene until Jacob brought it up. In fact, I thought it was so normal that I didn't expect an in-depth discussion about it at all.


I agree with Caleb. I think the parents could have been bad, but they know Bocchi and have an open line of communication with her, and can tell that her friends “get” her too. So they are being honest and be themselves and not put up airs. Because obviously Bocchi’s friends would not be turned off just because Bocchi is weird. In a way Kita and Nijika represent the two philosophies. Kita is the overly cautious friend who doesn’t want to offend. Nijika is the friend who will be brutally honest because she gets Bocchi at a deeper level.


If there was any sign that Bocchi was reacting badly to her parents i might agree with Jacob, but as i saw it, they helped a LOT by pulling attention away from her.


i guess you could say, her parents were being "so casually cruel in the name of being honest~" jk