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sakamoto 1x1 yt + reaction2



lol sakamoto 🤣 why not




Cool! Cooler!! Coolest!!!

Andrew Gully

The time has come 🙏🏾


That was likely the Japanese Giant hornet, also known as the Murder Hornet. You might remember them from the scare back in 2019 and 2020. They are huge AF with bodies 1.75 inches and their stingers are 1/4 inch long. Being stung feels "like a hot nail being driven into my leg" and they can sting multiple times. They also release enough venom each sting that it only takes a couple of stings to kill a non allergic person. Which is why if you are stung more than once you are advised to get your ass to a hospital if you aren't dead. They only get attack people when defending their nest, themselves, or the beehive they are currently slaughtering bees in at a rate of 40 bee decapitations per minute per hornet. Current advice on the Washington website is : "If you encounter a northern giant hornet, slowly and calmly leave the area. Swatting may cause it to sting. If you encounter several hornets, run to get away from them or dive into dense brush to make it harder for them to get to you. If a hornet flies inside your vehicle, stop the car slowly, and open all the windows." The reason you dive into dense brush is you aren't going to be outrunning them, they fly at like 25mph. They should have added close your eyes to that instruction though because at least one person has permanent eye damage from when one of these demons sprayed venom on their face. So apparently they can just shoot it out at you if they feel like it... You should remain calm.... but I would have a hard time. I am no Sakamoto
