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AlexXis Amadeus

To explain the "Chesuto" vs "Cherrio" thing. Togame was attempting to make a catchphrase by referencing a practice within the Kendo Martial Art (Japanese Swordsmanship). Typically, when striking an opponent during sparring sessions, you will call out the body part you intend to strike as a sort of confirmation of your resolve and technique. If you strike the head, you'll shout "Men!" And you strike the heart or chest you'd shout "Chesuto!", but since Togame isn't actually all the knowledgeable about swordsmanship herself, she got it mixed up with another random slang term she heard about from a foreign land, and has been saying is THIS WHOLE TIME, completely and entirely wrong. Shichika, knowing how to pick the battles he can actually win, decides it's best to not question it and let her emotionally validate herself, like any good boyfriend would. This reminds me a lot of that scene in Monogatari... the other Monogatari... where Shinobu gets called out by Kagenui for doing something childish, and Shinobu tries justifying to Araragi so that it seems like it was intentional, even though she's clearly embarrassed to the point of tears. tl;dr cute shit.


I wonder if they're ever going to realize strategian is not a word the show made up.


To add on, while the practice began with Kendo, I believe it basically bled over into other martial arts practiced by the Japanese as basically, like you said, a confirmation of resolve and technique. Hence why you see the armor guy's little sister say it while she was practicing punching.


It's basically that instead of "strategist" (the oed word for someone skilled in strategy) somebody went from tactics=tactician and got strategy=strategian. It's common enough that it's a valid synonym in my mind.


yeah lol strategian is a real word, especially in warfare